Part 3

14 2 26

The meeting of the eastern gods . . . .

This meeting is between Dio the primordial hollow , Azure the master of god , Amaterasu the goddess of sun and the leader of the Shinto faction , Ra the Egyptian god of sun and leader of the Egyptian faction , Odin the all father of the Norse faction , and Nightmare the vice leader of the night faction .

This meeting is between Dio the primordial hollow , Azure the master of god , Amaterasu the goddess of sun and the leader of the Shinto faction , Ra the Egyptian god of sun and leader of the Egyptian faction , Odin the all father of the Norse fact...

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{This is Nightmare}

Odin: I welcome you all and thank you for answering my call .

Ra: it's ok my friend Odin , but what is the point of this meeting .

Odin: you see . . . . in the eastern faction , in the area between the Shinto , Norse , and Night factions there is a weird place with strange markings , and when when my men investigate it , they found a door with 4 magic puzzles and a computer . . . . they tried to solve but couldn't , same with the computer , we couldn't hack it .

Ra: I see , and do thing there is something with that vault ?

Odin: yeah , it seems that there is some great power coming from it , also there are some weird language on the walls , we didn't regnize  it we think this vault has some secrets to an ancient civilization , what do you all think?

Nightmare: well . . .if we talk about puzzles and computers . . . 

Dio , Azure , and Amaterasu looked at each other and smirked .

Dio: oh I think we might know someone who might help us .

Ra: who do you have in mind?

Azure: well . . . . .

Meanwhile . . . .

We see in the park Sam , Kurona ,and Lana sitting together having a pleasant talk , while Tamia was playing with Kin & Tama .

They all had a good time until a portal appears , and come the herresher of the void Sirin .

Sirin: master I'm sorry to cut your picnic short , but the eastern meeting has called for you .

Sam: *sigh* can't a guy enjoy some good time with women and kids? . . . .oh well sorry Kuro-chan , Lana .

Kurona: it's ok dear , it's work and it can't be helped .

Lana: master . . . .make sure to make it up to me when you get back~

Kin: daddy?

Tama: are you leaving?

Sam: *hugs them* sorry my sweet angels , but daddy have to go to work .

Tama & Kin: awww .

Sam: I will finish my work and play with you when I get back ok? in the meantime stay with mommy and your aunt Tamia ok?

Kin & Tama: ok daddy !

Tamia: say hello to big brother for me .

Sam: I will . . . .now .

He enter the portal and disappears .

Kurona: ( for some reason . . . my dragon instinct is telling that there is something wrong)

The meeting room . . . 

The door opened and our phantom came in .

Sam: void hero Sam phantom reporting in ! 

Odin: wait . . .this what you three had in mind?! this child !?

Ra: forgive me for being rude but , he doesn't seem  smart enough to do it .

Sam: (why is every calling me dumb !)

Azure: oh I sure , he can do it .

Amaterasu: as one of his women I can tell you , he's good with puzzles , robotics and programming .

Dio: so he can solve the vault .

Odin: you . . . .*sigh* I see , then young man can you help us?

Of course after explain everything to him .

Sam: well you can count on me to solve this .

Nightmare: then we will leave to you .

Time skip brought you by . . . . chibi Dio hugs chibi Tamia .

In the vault , we see our phantom working in the puzzle . .  .with an evil smirk on his face .

Sam: annnnnnnd done .

Odin: wait what . . . .how ?! it took 5 hour to try on it m and you solve it in 5 minutes !!

Sam: well duh , each puzzle need 3 elements to solve it , while you all just used on for each puzzle and that's it , now . . . .for the computer .

The phantom hacked it , but when he's done a strange blue circle appears beneath him .

Sam: what th. . . .

And before he know it he disappears . . .

Dio & Azure & Amaterasu: SAM ?!

Meanwhile . . . 

The phantom opened his eye , and looked around to find . . . .a wasteland filled with blood .

Sam: wait . . . this is . . . the same place as my dreams . . . this can't be a coincidence !

???: so you have come . . .  . .Sam phantom .

Sam: ! 

The phantom looked behind him and saw .. . . a hooded figure .

Sam: w who are you !? 

???: it hurt me that you don't remember my name , but I guess I can't blame you after what happened .

Sam: huh?!

???: no matter *a sword appears in his hand* you will die here . . . . .Hero of the Vex 


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