Chapter 12

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Next day morning,

Subhadra woke up at first and saw that the greatest warrior and her husband is sleeping like a innocent little baby. Subhadra smiled and kissed his forehead and then went to take bath.

As she was late today, she saw kunti woke up and doing works. She greeted Kunti and other pandavas.

Yudhistir: Pranipat Subhadra! Where is Arjun?

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Yudhistir: Pranipat Subhadra! Where is Arjun?

Subhadra He is sleeping.

Nakul: My bhrata forgot to maintain punctuality after his wedding. *mischievously smiles*

At that time, Arjun came there and heard this

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At that time, Arjun came there and heard this.

Arjun: *pulls Nakul by ear*

Nakul: Ahh.... bhrata! Leave me.

Arjun: So what u was saying? I am still more punctual than u.

At that time, suddenly Kunti told that there is nothing to cook. What they will eat?

Bheem: Hearing, I am feeling very hungry now. *rubbing his stomach*

Arjun: I think my future sister in law will be unfortunate because bhrata's first love is food.*teasing*

Bheem: Jun, do you want me to beat u in front of Subhadra?

Arjun: No bhrata,please don't beat me. Subhadra will be widow then.

Bheem: Hmm?

Arjun: Yes, ur one punch is enough to kill me and if I will die, she will be widow.

Bheem: See, I am so strong. U also should eat like me.

Yudhistir: Bheem, Arjun, Nakul, dev, we should search for food. Otherwise, mata and bhadra have to starve.

5 pandavas left to search food. At that time, they heard about Draupadi's swaymver and decided to go there.

It was a archery challenge and no princes or kings could win her.At last, drupad requested brahmans to take part. Being a kshatriya, Arjun couldn't deny this challenge.

He came forward and greeted everyone. Draupadi was looking at him with hope and love. Arjun took the dhanush and pierced the eye of that golden fish into 10 seconds. After that, Arjun realised what he did and Subhadra's face was coming in front of his eyes. He looked at the beautiful face of draupadi who was smiling and coming towards him with a garland.

Yudhistir told arjun to marry Draupadi as he won her hands

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Yudhistir told arjun to marry Draupadi as he won her hands. Arjun and draupadi exchanged garlands and left from there.

In the way,

Arjun was lost in Subhadra's thoughts. Draupadi looked at him and understood that something happened.

Draupadi: What happened?

Arjun: I want to tell u something. I am prince arjun and I am already married with a princess. Her name is Subhadra and she is the princess of dwarka. I don't know how she will react after knowing this but she is dearer to me than my life also.

Draupadi's face became pale hearing this and she was feeling bad for the young princess of dwarka.

Draupadi: Don't worry I will talk with her and I will not come between both of u

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Draupadi: Don't worry I will talk with her and I will not come between both of u.

On the other side,

Subhadra was going to take water but suddenly she noticed her husband with a beautiful woman and she understood that he won her hands. Her head was spinning and she was shocked to react. Before they could see Subhadra, she ran from there.

Pandavas went to their hut with Draupadi and Kunti was praying. Kunti thought maybe Arjun returned with alms and she ordered 5 pandavas to share whatever Arjun brought.

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This chapter is written by Me_Pagal_No1.

With regards-

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