𝟬𝟬𝟰. the girl with the dead heart

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❛ blood still stains when the sheets are washed ❜
━━ melanie martinez
━━━ • :⭐: *.🌙 . *:⭐•. ━━━

           THERE WAS AN aching sensation ━ or rather pain ━ in Azumi's chest for the next few days. While she still shared a dorm with Myy and Irene, there was another girl. And it just had to be Bellatrix Black. Now, the aching pain wasn't caused by any physical injury or by Bellatrix Black, who Azumi thought was strangely beautiful, it was on the inside, her heart was aching for home. She missed the dark halls of Hades' Throne, where she and Sirius and Myy used to run, while avoiding Saiko, who would always be furious after they would either curse her hair off or leave snakes in her dorm room. But she missed Toriyama the most. She had become like a mother to Azumi, which is odd, considering the fact that Azure was still alive. Azumi guessed it was because she actually took the time to properly scold her, or even to look at her.  The only times she spent with her mother, was when they were summoning another dark spirit or when Azure would teach her all the rituals to summon the big guy.

Azumi guessed she shouldn't actually call him that, after she did summon him ━ and failed terribly.

She still remembers that day, the way she killed Haru with a smile etched on her porcelain pale face, not even blinking when blood splattered on her face and into her mouth. She remembers the screams, and how everything went to shit after that. Haru was a fucking halfblood. While he did appear, she couldn't control him and have him do her bidding, so he escaped and where he was now, Azumi wouldn't know. After all, no one could truly control the devil.

Azumi should've known he was a halfblood, but she was stupid enough to ignore how bitter sweet his blood tasted, that or she was too preoccupied by her own thoughts of how great it was to kill someone with no witnesses except your best friend. According to Yana, muggle blood tasted bitter, while halfbloods tasted bitter sweet and purebloods tasted sweet. Maybe Richie was right to fear her.

It was Saturday the day Azumi woke up in tears, avoiding eye contact with Bellatrix, for she was the only one awake at the time, a cigarette balanced between her blood red lips and Azumi used her curtain of purple hair to hide her face as she shuffled towards the restroom.

"Bad dream?" Bellatrix asked when she returned, cheeks now red as she had furiously wiped at her tears, refusing to give herself the satisfaction of seeing herself cry. Azumi Hanako never cried. She was a Hanako for a reason. "You know, I can whip up a pretty mean Dreamless Potion, you just say the word and I'll have it ready for you in no time."

Azumi stared at Bellatrix for a long tune, noticing that she had a long gash above her left eyebrow. It was barely visible, unless you took the time to actually look at her. Bellatrix was like the daemon empresses Azumi read about. They had snow white skin, cold yet warm to touch, with dark hair falling in perfect curls around them like the waves in the Dead Sea and gray eyes that bore no life yet twinkled every time they spoke. Azumi thought she was hauntingly beautiful.

"Thank you," Azumi swallowed hard staring at her bare feet. "But why? You barely know me and your peers were right when they said I'm a murderer, why would you help someone like me?"

Bellatrix let out a puff of smoke before squashing her cigarette dead on the ground with the tip of her shiny black boot. "Your business is yours, and I just want to sleep peacefully. Can't do that with you whining about Toriyama in your sleep, can I?"

"I see." Azumi nodded, trying to ignore her red cheeks. She didn't understand how someone like Bellatrix could make her heart accelerate at such a rate. "Do you think we could be friends?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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MURDER ━━ bellatrix blackWhere stories live. Discover now