chapter eight

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" arre bhaiya, put the chair here!" Vikram instructs the workers who follows his words quickly. He was looking around the arrangement for the workshop conducted by swadheenta's ngo personally since swadheenta could not come herself. The ngo management have done their best and vikram was looking around the overall arrangement and making corrections in small details. The woman had already started arriving, vikram scanned faces desparately searching for hers and feels little disappointed when he could not find hers but regardless he continues to look around the arrangements.
" Hello! sunne hai " a familiar sweet voice made him turn around and look for the person.
His lips stretches into smile when he sees her standing in front of him, looking at him. Her one part of the hair was held by a black clip otherwise her hair was left free, he noticed she had done some makeup and her dress was not normal chudidar and she also wore necklace matching her dress. She looked quite different, whom was he kidding she looked utterly beautiful. He continues staring at her lost in her, vikram was sure if he had met sai years before he could have surely became an artist. It was a bad thing that he was very bad at drawing now.
Sai stood here quiet not understanding the blank look or whatever look vikram was throwing at her direction. She wondered if she had done something wrong with her makeup that he was staring at her without even blinking his eyes. She cleared her throat gaining his attention, " what should I do with this token?" She asks as she shows him the token she had received from the counter. She had wanted to ask someone else and scanned faces to see whom could she ask. Then her eyes had caught his familiar face and she approached him nervously for help.
Vikram looks at her token and gently guides her to the allocated place for the workshop and gives the instruction sheet.
" Thank you" Sai says smiling politely.
" You're welcome Sai" vikram replies smilingly and sensing no response from her,it takes as his due to walk away inspite of wanting to converse more and almost  misses sai glancing at him and quickly averting her eyes back to the stage.
Meanwhile ,The trainer arrives and starts the workshop taking away Sai's concentration towards the self defense training.
" Ughhh!" Sai exclaimes frustrated when she could not get a method of correct and she had already tried it three times. She looks at the volunteers who would help her but the nearest volunteer available was vikram who was already helping another woman. Thoughtful for a moment whether to approach him or not, she finally calls him to help her.
" I'm not able to do this" she grumbles, vikram nods at her and tries to help her but to his surprise sai was actually not able to do this after initial helping.
Sai's hand gets twisted and she groans in pain, " it's hurting" she yells.
" Concentrate a little" vikram encourages her still not telling go of her hand which he has twisted. Angry and frustrated already, sai thinks of something else to free herself instead of the method she has been taught. Instead of using her strength to pull him front to attack him, she stomps on his leg making vikram loosen his grip on her hand and frees herself.
" I win" sai laughs triumphantly.
" Hey ,It was unfair move!" Vikram points out unhappily.
" Everything is fair in love and war" Sai blurts out in her childish glee and then looks at the stage trying to concentrate on the next move which is being taught. Vikram looks on amused with Sai's answer but doesn't utter anything thinking that would make her uncomfortable and speds up in another direction when he hears his name being called.
" Thank you" sai says still looking at the stage and looks around when she doesn't hear his response to her words. She doesn't find him near her and looks around to find him helping another girl. A warm smile crept on her face as she observes how serious he was while helping others and his intentions were genuine. Sai realizes that he was not doing this because of boredom rather he was really interested in this workshop and genuinely wanted to help. She could not help herself by admiring him for a while but turns her attention back to the stage pushing off her other thoughts as soon as she notices vikram was finished helping the girl. Vikram looks back at sai whose whole attention was on the stage and realizes sadly that she did not even notice his absence meanwhile Sai sighs in relief as she escapes herself from getting caught by vikram. What if he had caught her staring at him? Oh bappa.

Later when the work shop ended on a good note, Sai moves quickly towards the parking area but to her misfortune the car got repaired half of the way. The driver was checking what has gone wrong with the car, sai gets out and leans on the car waiting for the driver to repair the car quickly.
" Aur kitna time lagega bhaiya!" Sai hisses looking around the deserted place and then checking her watch. It was already 8:00 at night.
" Thodi der madam ji" the driver responded.
Meanwhile Vikram who was travelling through the same area after wrapping up all the arrangements caught glimpse of sai out of the car and driver checking the car guessing the car got repaired. He asked his driver immediately to pull over the car and steps out.
" What happened?" Vikram asks the other driver.
" Chote humkum, the engine has gotten damaged" The driver reveals to another prince.
" Contact the nearest garage" vikram orders, the driver nods and takes his phone to call. Vikram then slightly tiltes his head towards sai who suddenly had stiffened feeling his gaze on her.
" Sai, I think the car would take more time to get repaired" vikram informs catching her eyes.
" We can do one thing! You can go in another car, I will be here and get the car repaired" vikram offers her, sai doesn't tell anything for a moment.
" My driver will drive you back to the palace" vikram continues " just inform swadheenta bhabhi that I would be late"
Sai nods at his words with a small smile and then without thinking she spills out her next words.
" If you don't mind we both can travel"
Vikram doesn't show his surprise at her words, " are you sure?" He asks her
" Yes" sai assures him maintaining her eye contact with him. Getting her response, vikram asks the his driver to stay back and help the other driver. He helps sai to get in the car and drives the car through the deserted road. Sai looks out of the window observing the nature and not understanding how to start conversation with him. She wanted to thank him properly but she was held back by her own awkwardness.

" You like" sai stammered with her words and looks at vikram in disbelief.
" Yes" vikram confesses looking at her.
Sai was momentarily taken aback as she steps away from him in shock.
" But I don't expect anything from you, I like you it's my own feelings" vikram tells her " yours doesn't have to be same"
Sai doesn't say a word but her head was already spinning with his words.

Sai joshi X Vikram Shergill FF Gustakh ishq Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat