chapter seven

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It was a normal fine day in the palace of jaigarh. Sai had finished checking up on swadheenta. Her breakfast was served in the guest house for her relief. She had even called usha mausi and assured her about her safety.
After doing all the important tasks she was required to do, she took out her medical books and arranged it properly in the study table. Then she finally became engrossed in reading her books and revising her medical knowledge.
Vikram stood outside the guest house with twinge of nervousness, he slowly knocked the door hoping that sai doesn't feel awkward or uncomfortable on seeing him here. When swadheenta bhabhi thrusted him the invitation pass for the self defense workshop her ngo had set up for the woman which she had forgotten to give sai at the morning. He had happily accepted it to pass it on to her because he had a valid reason to see her and she would not think of him as a stalker or creepy guy.
" You... what are you doing here?" Sai asked him in a moment of shock fumbling with her words. Her eyebrows furrowed and she swallows down her panic.
" Actually swadheenta bhabhi said to pass it down to you" vikram smiles as he hands over the pass to her. Sai frowns but takes the pass. She studies the pass, it was self defense workshop conducted for woman. Vikram stands as he tries to decipher her reaction.
" Thank you" sai finally says to him politely though she had so many things to say. He could have asked the servant to pass it over to her she definately could have not minded and she doesn't understand that the workshop was tomorrow and she had to check up swadheenta even once at the evening swadheenta herself could have given her the pass but she did not want to argue more and just wanted to get over with it.
" Oh it's okay" he says " it would be good if you can attend this"
" I will try" sai says hoping that he would take a leave.
" I will take you here if you're okay with it" he offers, his heart thumping inside his chest as he looks at her hopefully.
" No it's okay" sai refuses quickly," I will manage". She doesn't even look at him so his disappointment or sadness doesn't flash to her.
Vikram swallows his hurt, " That's great and I think I should leave now"
Sai sighs as vikram walks away instead of pressurising her more or insisting her again and again that he would take her. She realizes he did not even step inside the guest house and respected her privacy that he waited for her to invite him in and when she did not, he stood outside and politely conversed with her. He actually seemed like a decent guy. She shakes herself out before she goes into thinking about him deeply. She had done the mistake of thinking and letting one man into her life and she learnt her lesson in a very painful manner. She did not want to repeat that ever again.

"What has happened?!" Adarsh asks vikram sensing his younger brother's sulky mood.
Vikram shrugs nonchalantly increasing Adarsh annoyance. Aadarsh controlled his urge to beat up his brother and make him to confess the truth but then when he thought more, he slightly remembered how at morning swadheenta had thrusted some ngo pass to vikram telling him to pass it to sai and vikram had looked at swadheenta with a look of a child who had gotten his favourite chocolate and walked away from their room smiling like a idiot ignoring his teasing. Swadheenta chided him for trying to trouble her innocent devar, Adarsh had to rolled his eyes at his wife's exclamation of how innocent her devar was, swadheenta glared at him and he had somehow escaped from his room when she began throwing the pillow. He knew what question to ask to confirm his doubt.
" How was you morning meeting with sai vikram?!" Vikram's face paled at the question. Adarsh smirked as he finally cracked the reason for his brother's sulky mood.
" It was fine bhai" vikram says " Nothing important"
Adarsh simply took the file his brother was right now trying very hard to concentrate on ignoring his brother's protest.
" Swadheenta did already tell you it's not going to be easy but you still went ahead with your heart and tell me how is it going to work if you get sulky with small disappointments which happens at the beginning" Adarsh explains to his brother " and you knew what you were getting into"
" It's not that bhai, I'm just disappointed
Maybe I should have taken it slow" vikram says rubbing his temples.
Adarsh chuckled looking at his brother's state. He had never seen his brother worked up over a woman. He did not know whether he should tease him or worry over him.
" Bhai,it's not funny" vikram huffed.
" Okay I'm sorry" Adarsh raises his hands in surrender, "it's just that I have never seen you this nervous about a woman before so I can't help laughing over it"
" on the other hand ,Everything will be alright, don't take too much of stress little brother" vikram ruffles his brother's hair affectionately assuring him.
" I really hope bhai, I really hope" vikram sighs and snatches his file back from Adarsh.

Elsewhere Sai was checking swadheenta's injuries and noting down her progress report which has to submit to the main hospital.
" I hope you have got the ngo pass and I really hope you will attend it" swadheenta says " I would be really happy if you do"
" I will try to" sai said " but I'm not familiar with the place where the programme is going on"
Swadheenta face lit up, " you don't worry about that sai, I will speak to vikram he will drop you here anyway he is going to be here"
Sai shakes her head," no it's okay. I will manage"
"Oh" swadheenta lowers her tone somehow understanding Sai's hesitation. Swadheenta forgets most of the time that vikram is almost stranger to sai so it was obvious that sai would be reluctant to travel with him.
" I will arrange for a car and driver. Will that be okay" swadheenta asked her looking thoughtful.
Sai nods her head after debating for a moment in her head whether to accept the offer or reject. She really was not ready to put up a argument with swadheenta and then self defense workshop can come in handy so she silently accepted. Mirthless smile crossed her features as she remembered the time that she could put up a argument with anyone.
" Sai are you okay?!"
" Yeah" sai said " I think I should take a leave now" Swadheenta nods at her understandingly.

Vikram was walking towards his room. His entire day in the office had passed away in her thoughts. It was kinda frustrating that how much ever he tried she could still find her way in his thoughts and he finally decided that he needed to have a talk with her. He was lost in his thoughts that he did not notice her and bumped into already stumbling sai and as a reflex to steady himself and her he grasped hers, his fingers clasped around her palms. Her hands trembled in his hold and he left her hand as soon as he was sure she would not fall again. For a doctor, sai had zero self preservation or it was only around him she kept stumbling vikram almost smirks at that thought. Sai had the same thought running around her mind, this is the second time she had stumbled upon him and cursed herself from being this irresponsible and absent minded that she did not see him.
" Thank you" she says to him quickly looking up to him.
" You're welcome" he replies with a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. She nods curtly and was walking past him without back glance at him when he calls her name stopping her. Sai spun towards him hearing him call her and looks at him.
" Today morning, I think I overstepped my boundaries" he pauses taking a breath not looking at her confused face and continues " I'm sorry and if you're okay I will arrange a driver and car for you for tomorrow"
He eyes her as she blinked in suprise and smiled stiffly at him.
" It's okay " sai says to him with a small smile on her face.
" And swadheenta ji had already offered me a car and driver for tomorrow" she informs and walks away ending their conversation soon as possible. He lets out a breath he had been holding up and moves towards his room to freshen up himself. He felt a huge burden lifted off him and more over his brother had been right, he had to deal with patience if he is really interested in sai. Going quickly will not work with her, he was going to stumble and fall on the ground when he steaded himself, faceplams himself grinning like a idiot and continues walking towards his room.

Sai joshi X Vikram Shergill FF Gustakh ishq Where stories live. Discover now