chapter three

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Bhavani, Paakhi ,ashwini and ninand  looked on in shock as they observed sai getting pampered. Virat who was entering from the other side was in the same condition. Bhavani burned in envy as she saw the girl whom she had treated like a dirt getting pampered by the Royal family. Paakhi was having the same thought, she stared in disbelief looking at sai's happy face. After doing so much for the chauvans still paakhi could not get this much respect and love which sai is getting served on a silver platter. She married into that family for virat but even virat doesn't acknowledge her but still she did not give up on him hoping one day he will acknowledge her love and affection.
Plastering a smile on her face and Bhavani stiffened herself. She cleared her throat gaining the Royal family's attention who looked suprised by her sudden entrance. Sai's face became pale as she looked at the woman who had abused her in the past but still sat here silently.
" Namaste, I'm Bhavani chauvan the head of the chauvan family. We received your invitation for tonight's dinner and our family is graceful for the hospitality you have showered upon us. We have come here to tell our acceptance to it " Bhavani folded her hands as she addressed them. Paakhi , ashwini and ninand were smiling. Virat did not want to interrupt and drag himself in this drama which kaku was pulling off and he left the place without letting anyone notice his presence.
Swadheeta rolled her eyes at such fake smiles and adarash had to nudge his wife to stop her from glaring at them. The Royal family now realizing the people standing in front were their youngest daughter in law's ex in laws who had mentally harassed her did not know how to respond.
Komal was the one who decided to respond to them, " Namaste, we are genuinely happy that you people accepted our invitation. Since you people have come here please have a cup of coffee with us "
" Kyun nahi? We will be happy to have coffee " Bhavani says and occupies the empty chairs. Paakhi, ninand and ashwini does the same.
Swadheeta and others clearly looked unhappy with the chauvans sitting with them. The servants served chauvans the coffee. Bhavani went on introducing her family members present here. The members smiled at the Royal family as they were introduced. Deeming it to be right and seeing none of her family member's responding to the chauvans except frowning at them, komal introduced the Royal family to the chauvans. The members responded with as much as politeness they could manage with.
" This is our youngest daughter in law, Dr sai joshi " komal points at sai and finishes her introduction. Sai looks at the chauvans blankly and unwantedly smiles a little. The chauvans nod curtly at her and sips the coffee served to them.
" waise toh I know this is your family matter and I don't have any right to interfere in it but why you're daughter in laws working? You people have so much of money still you're daughter in laws are working outside and earning money " kaku says.
Sai was not suprised with Bhavani chauvan's thinking and did not glance at her. Swadheeta narrowed her eyes growing impatient hearing such things from a woman. Vikram and adarash stared in disbelief at the woman who was of their Mother's age was sputtering such rubbish.
Komal was about to respond to them when Mrinalini Devi cut her off ," our house's daughter in laws doesn't work for money. They work because they want to work. Our royal family has always given woman equal rights in everything. Komal doesn't work because she doesn't want to but similarly swadheeta and sai work because they want to. If tomorrow they don't want to work, we will not force them to work but it will be their choice "
Kaku nods her head silently not able to tell anything in response and continues to drink her coffee. Paakhi looks at Mrinalini Devi with respect and admiration. Ninand who did not agree to such thinking did not speak anything fearing the woman who shut off his vahini. Ashwini who now understood why sai was happy in this palace was still sad knowing that sai could never be back to them because unlike the chauvans, the Shergills seemed to value, respect and care for their daughter in laws.
Sai, swadheeta, vikram and adarash looked at Mrinalini Devi proudly and continued to have their snacks. After long silence, the chauvans finally left. The Shergills sighed in relief looking at the retreating figures of the chauvans.
" sai beta, are you sure you want this family to stay here? " brijraj Shergil questioned her.
Sai nods her head positively without thinking at her father in law.
" I know papa, you people don't like them because of they are my ex in laws but it's just matter of one month and anyway it's only one dinner we are going to have with them. After that we all will be busy in our own works even to notice them " sai explains to everyone present here. Everyone nods their head understandingly before retiring to their own rooms to relax for sometime before they met again for dinner.

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