Chapter 10: Bored

Start from the beginning

Harry let a large amount of his magic swirl around the room, only to terrify the Malfoy Lord.

"What do you want from me?"

"I only request one thing," Ashe whispered, "I need a meeting with your Master,"

Malfoy froze. "W-what Master?, If this is about You-Know-Who, I was proven to be under the Imperius Curse.

"You and I both know that's not true," he spoke quietly that made him sound all the more frightening.

Lucius was already shaking.

"I-I can't,"

Marvolo pressed his wand into Malfoy's throat. "Lord Malfoy, you are not in a position to bargain,"

"He is back, Lucius,"

"I want you to take me to him,"

Harry tapped into his Horcrux's magic and let it swirl around the room with the rest of his magic. His Dark Mark tingled and he looked straight up.

"Who are you?"

"Take me to your Master and I shall answer your question,"

Before they knew it, they were at a door off the end of Knockturn Alley and Harry could sense that Voldemort was near. His power was much like Tom's in the sense that it was immensely Dark.

Lucius walked up to the door and knocked on it. A man dressed in Death Eater robes and mask answered the door and led Lucius into the Dining Room.

Ashe blended into the shadows, a piece of Magic that Harry adored. It made you practically invisible.

Once they weaved their way to the main room, Harry was taken aback for a moment. Voldemort sat at the head of the table but he wasn't like the man he saw in his previous life.

He seemed like the teenage Voldemort but older. Maybe in his mid-20s. His magic was still unparalleled but he seemed less angry somehow. Perhaps the ritual returned him to his normal looks.

There were 10 or so Death Eaters in their robes but they didn't have masks. The conversation seemed to have paused when Lucius entered the room.

"My Lord," he bowed, "I apologize, My Lord, he made me,"

"Now Lucius, what are you talking about?"

Harry moved out of the shadows and into the centre of the room. He had about 12 people's wands on him and he didn't look as though he was scared at all.

He removed his hood and for the first time, everybody saw his face. His features were surprisingly similar to the Dark Lord's but they didn't look too much alike to be of concern.

"My name is Ashe, Ashe... Marvolo,"

Tom rose from his chair and raised his eyebrow.

"You have quite some nerve coming here, Marvolo,"

"Indeed I do Lord Voldemort," A few Death Eaters gasped at the nerve of the man.

"Why have you so graciously joined us today and why should I hesitate to kill you right now?" Tom asked with a voice matching Ashe's cold tone.

"I have come here to inform you that I exist,"

"Why do I need to know that?"

"I simply do not want you to find out about me in less favourable ways," Tom raised his eyebrows and the Death Eaters stood but soon sat down as per the Dark Lord's order.

"Well then, you have left me with no choice... AVADA KEDAVRA!"

"Mr Riddle," Marvolo deflected the curse by using the same magical sphere that he had used in the Slytherin Prince duel, "I assure you that I can be an ally,"


Ashe let his magic swirl around the entire room causing the Death Eaters to shiver but of course not Tom. The magic integrated with Voldemort's. If it were any other magic, it would clash and fight for dominance. Tom and Ashe had the same magical signature.

Tom lowered his wand hand, "I see..."Tom put his hand out to Ashe to shake "I accept your alliance,"

Harry didn't shake his hand and instead inclined his head and left the Dark Lord's followers in shock at what happened.

Before Harry left the room he turned back towards Tom when he shot yet another killing curse.

"Mosmorde," he cast with his wand this time.

The entire room was engulfed in darkness and a cloud appeared in the centre to show the Dark Mark.

: Goodbye Tom Harry hissed.

"Curious," he mumbled before sitting down and continuing the meeting as if nothing happened.

Ashe disapparated back to Hogsmeade and this time, he hid a magical signature so the Ministry couldn't track him. It was a feat most Wizards could not achieve. Once in the passageway back to Hogwarts, he removed his glamour and cast a Tempus.


Just in time to wash up and have dinner.


Thanks for reading :]


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