train your eyes (in his eyes 3)

Start from the beginning

Ollie grabs the dual short-swords and grasps them firmly. The handles felt nice, easy to grip, made with a cloth like material, kind of like a bandage feel. The blade was a shiny silver, glistening in the sun.

But the best part of the swords is that they can connect together at the hilt of the sword, turning into a stick with blades on each ends.

Ollie adjusts his grip on the swords, his hands still not comfortable to the new feeling. "Does this work?" Ollie questions, showing Chip his grip carefully, not wanting stab Chip by accident.

Chip examines the grip. "Honestly, any grip works as long as they don't fall out of your hands. However, if you want more of a fluid fight style, you may want to change your grip." He advises. "Now, let's with something simple. Let's see how well you can block." Chip pulls out a wooden stick. "I'll start slow."

Chip swings the stick at a moderate pace at Ollie's right shoulder. Ollie sees the stick coming for him, he leans out of the way. He sees the same stick coming at his left side fast. All of a sudden one of his swords were blocking the stick, and he didn't even know how he did that. Chip then goes for sweep on Ollie's legs with his foot. "Gah!-" Ollie lands on the floor with a thump, swords falling to the ground.

"Not bad for a first attempt." Chip lends a hand to Ollie, helping him up.

"Not fair, you played dirty." Ollie pouts, picking up the two swords that fell out of his now, sweaty hands.

"That's being a pirate for you kid." Chip says swinging his wooden stick and pointing at Ollie. "Now try again."

Ollie goes back in the fighting stance. Chip doesn't miss a beat, making a move to attack in front of Ollie. Ollie puts his swords in a 'X' formation like how he's seen Chip do. Ollie braces for impact, only to find out that his crazy move actually worked. He pushes the stick away from him. He steps backs, waiting for Chip's next attack. Chip does another straight forward attack. Ollie steps to the right and tries to hit the stick with his right sword. He swings the right sword at the wooden stick he just dodged. Before Ollie hit the stick, Chip redirects the stick to Ollie's direction. Ollie's eyes widen as he realizes what's happening. He gets met with a stick to the stomach. Ollie groans. "Ow-" He holds his stomach.

"Chip, stop bullying the kid." Jay says walking toward them. She turns to Ollie. "Don't worry," She points to Chip. "he's just trying to show off. He actually hasn't taught you anything yet."

"What do you mean?" Chip asks. "I've taught many things." He says relatively confident.

Jay raises an eyebrow. "Mhm, so what'd you teach him then?" She interrogates. She walks up to Chip and grabs the wooden stick.

"That's none of your business." Chip says trying to grab back the stick that Jay yoinked. "Also give me that back," Jay sweeps Chip's legs with the stick. "Gah!-" he yells as he hits the floor.

"That was for Ollie," She then lightly bonks Chip, now laying on the floor, on the head. "And that one is because I wanted to." She grins. "Now up up, Ollie isn't going to learn with you on your ass." Jay offers the stick back to Chip.

Chip gets up, grumbling to himself. He takes the stick Jay was holding, then swings it at Jay. Jay drops down to a squatting position, dodging the hit. "Damn it." Chip mutters, and he continues on with his lesson.

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