The aftermath

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Aizawa clicked the phone off and opened the doors leading into the common room. He was unsurprised to find his class huddled around the couch, waiting for him in tense silence.

"Alright, listen up! I've been notified by Recovery Girl that Midoriya and Bakugo are both fine. In fact, Midoriya has already woken up."

Various sighs of relief sounded throughout the room, a few students slouching down.

"There's more."

All at once the class sat back up, giving him their full attention.

"The two of them were unlucky enough to have been hit by a quirk. We are hoping to get this situation resolved quickly and efficiently. In the meantime there is no telling how long the effects will last."

"What kind of quirk were they hit with, Aizawa sensei?"

"According to Recovery Girl it seems to be an amnesia one. Currently Midoriya holds little to no memories of himself. He has vague childhood memories. I expect Bakugo to be the same."

The room was dead silent.

"...Will we be able to see them...?"

"Yes. Recovery Girl has come to the conclusion that they are still able to attend classes. I assume that you all will be on your best behavior and will help your classmates with whatever they need while we resolve the situation."

Various agreements sounded throughout the room.

"Now, I'm assigning Bakugo and Midoriya to two of you. You will have the main responsibility of guiding them through the school, the dorms, and anywhere else they may need to go."

The students all looked around at eachother.

"Uraraka, I am leaving Midoriya to you. Kirishima will be responsible for Bakugo. I am giving you this responsibility because you two seem to be the closest to them from what I can tell. Does anyone have an issue with this?"

Nobody argued against it and so Aizawa continued on.

"Now, the two of you will be coming with me to pick them up from the infirmary as soon as Recovery Girl gives them the okay to leave."

Right before he turns to leave he gives the class one more glance.

"Do not overwhelm them. They have no idea who any of you are. I imagine this situation is stressful enough for them and they don't need all of you crowding them. Uraraka and Kirishima, expect to leave with me in the next 20 or so minutes."

And with that, he left.


"Wow... So just to get this straight, we have special abilities and we are training in a school to learn how to fight other people with special abilities?"

"Yes, that is one way to put it."

"That's so cool! I have so many questions! How did this start? Is it a genetic mutation? Is immortality a viable quirk that someone could have? What is the limit with-"

A soft groan interrupted Midoriyas endless stream of questions and Recovery Girl sighed in relief. This was the first time in her life that she was actually grateful for Bakugo interrupting a conversation she was having.

Red eyes blinked open, immediately connecting with green.

"What the fuck...?"

"Uh- hello!"

Recovery girl quickly mived over to him. "Can you tell me what your name is?"

"I... the fuck? I can't remember. Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Recovery Girl. You are currently in the infirmary of UA. Can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

"...Uh... A kid with green hair? I think I was in water? It's blurry as shit."

"Hm... Well, your name is Bakugo Katsuki. You are a student at UA. The two of you were in a bit of an accident which is the cause of you both having such extreme memory loss."

Recovery girl turned to make a quick note of it on her clipboard. It seemed that the memory cut off for them was similar if not the exact same... but if anything, that left them with more questions. Why do they have vague memories of one another but no memories of themselves or the world they live in?

"Um... Excuse me...?" Midoriya asked

She looked over at him to see the question was actually directed at Bakugo.

"Sorry... It's just- gah, this is so awkward..."

"Spit it out, I don't care if it's something stupid."

"Can you... Let go of my arm?"

It seemed that with that sentence Bakugo snapped out of any lingering confusion.

"Ah, shit! Sorry! Didn't even fucking realize."

"It's fine! It's fine! My arm was just starting to fall asleep, is all! I really didn't mind..."

It was admittedly a bit amusing to see such a flustered expression on Bakugos face.

Recovery Girl shook her head in exasperation and looked them over one more time before turning to leave. "I'll be calling your teacher to come and get you both. He and your classmates will catch you up to speed on anything you need to know."

The door clicked shut and the two turned to one another.

"So... This is crazy, right?"

"It's weird as shit. So, I'm apparently named Bakugo Katsuki. Who the hell are you?"

"Oh! Right! It seems that my name is Midoriya Izuku?"

"I'd say it's nice to meet you... 'Midoriya'... but I think we met a long ass time ago if my blurry memories are anything to go off of... and this situation isn't exactly 'nice'."

Midoriya cringed. "Oh man, why does my name sound so weird in your voice?"

"Shut the hell up! It was weird to say!" He blushed.

Midoriya started to giggle, which soon enough turned into full blown laughter.

Bakugo blushed harder and soon enough he started to laugh along with him. The situation they were in was ridiculous.

Midoriya wiped a stray tear from his eye and began to calm down. "Why don't you just call me 'Izuku' then?"

"Izuku." He tested out. It still felt off but was a hell of a lot more natural than that 'Midoriya' shit.

"Yeah! And I'll call you... 'Bakugo'...?"

He wasnt sure how to describe the feeling that hit him when he heard that name come out of Izukus mouth, all he knew was that it was wrong and he didn't like it.

"Hell no. That was worse than when I called you Midoriya. Just call me Katsuki. I've probably known you long enough that we were on a first name basis anyways."

"Yeah... Okay, Katsuki!" He beamed.

Bakugo wasn't sure about a lot of things at the moment.  One thing he was sure of though was that if this Izuku guy kept smiling at him like that he wasnt going to live long enough to get his memories back.

"So, Recovery girl is calling our teacher? Ah, I'm so excited! This place is so cool! I can't wait to learn more about quirks."

Katsuki looked at him in utter confusion. "Uh... Quirks? The hell is that?"

Izuku head snapped to stare at him and Katsuki was mesmerized by the way his whole face seemed to light up. Maybe this situation wouldn't be so bad if Izuku was in it with him.

"That's right! She didn't explain it to you! Okay, so, quirks seem to be-"

And that was how Aizawa, Kirishima, Uraraka found them. Midoriya on an endless ramble about quirks and their possiblities with Bakugo completely enraptured in it.

The Amnesia Incident. (Bakudeku)Where stories live. Discover now