The rescue

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Aizawa subdued the last villain surrounding him and glanced up at his students. A small feeling of pride washed over him to see that the fight that had broken out amongst the class and the villains had quickly been resolved. The pride washed away with dread when he realized he was two students short.

Slugging the restrained villain on the ground he quickly ran through the crowd.

"Midoriya! Bakugo! Has anyone seen Midoriya or Bakugo?!"

The class all looked up at him and looked around at each other in slight horror. The sinking dread in his gut grew further when he realized that not a single one of them had seen either of the students.

"Everyone form groups and search the immediate area! Ive contacted the staff and they will be here soon. Do not split up whatsoever and do not branch off farther than this zone. Just because this group has been subdued does not mean there aren't more. "

The class quickly formed groups and began to spread throughout the area. Various shouts of the students names could be heard from all directions.

The pros quickly stormed in, many picking up the downed villains. The ones not doing so gathered around Aizawa for a status report.

"We've got two missing students. Their names are Bakugo Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku. I'm sure you are all well aware of what they look like. We need to-"

Aizawa was cut short by a familiar scream of pain. Wasting little to no time he and the rest of the teachers ran towards the noise.

A large group of villains circled around two very familiar boys.

Two very unconscious boys.

He could have sworn that for a split second he made eye contact with Bakugo. It didn't matter.

The heros quickly descended onto the scene. The villains attempted to make a hasty retreat but luckily most of them were captured quickly thanks to the large group of hero's with years of experience.

Aizawa crouched in front of Bakugo and Midoriya and placed a hand against each if the boys pulse. A sigh of relief left him at the steady thumping. They're alive.

He flagged down the ambulance, doing his best to not jostle the two. Who knows what injuries they had sustained; especially considering how many villains were crowding around them before that.

He doubted that was truly all of them. Bakugo and Midoriya were both as promising as they were annoying. He had no doubt that they managed to take down at least a few.

The EMTs made quick work of checking their vitals. Once determining that it was safe to move them they attempted to pry Bakugos arms away from Midoriya with no luck.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow and continued to watch as the EMTs tugged on his arms. Eventually, to Aizawas amusement, they seemed to give up and loaded them into one ambulance together.

Aizawa sighed as he watched the ambulance speed off and made his way back to the rest of the class, all of which had now formed back together with the arrival of the heros. He didn't miss the worried expressions on all of their faces.

"Aizawa sensei? Have Bakugo and Midoriya been found? Are they alright?"

"Yes. I'm unsure of what condition they are in but both were found alive and unconscious. I'm unsure why but it seems a large group of villains split off and went after those two specifically. I will let you know more when we have more information."

The class all looked as if a massive weight had been removed at the news that their classmates had been found. He couldn't blame them. It wouldn't be a first for the villains to kidnap a student or attempt to fatally harm them.

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