He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Never a peaceful moment with his problem children.

Why the hell is it always those two?!


Recovery girl sighed with displeasure as she treated the two boys. She wasn't too surprised to see them in her office. Midoriya could never stay out of trouble for very long and Bakugo wasn't much better.

She was relieved that the worst injury she had to treat was a stab wound on Bakugos leg. The rest of the injuries were minor scrapes and bruises. No doubt the fight they had been in had been a long and tedious one.

She didn't have much information on the incident at the moment and so truly she had no idea what could have caused the two of them to pass out during the fight. Her best guess would be that it was the work of a quirk.

Troublesome if that was the case. Without a proper explanation they would be at a loss as to what that potential quirk could do and what the lasting effects could be.

She could only hope that the police were able to get some useful information out of the people who caused this. The worst case scenario is that this is a quirk that places them both into comatose states. Due to their lack of injuries it's doubtful that this could have been one that deals actual physical damage.

She sat back in her chair and took a moment to stare at them. Its a rare occurrence to see the both of them so quiet and peaceful next to one another. And for Bakugo to be clinging onto Midoriya like that? She couldn't see something like this happening again in her lifetime.

She mentally prepared herself for the fall out that was bound to happen once they woke up and realized the position they were in. She could only hope that her office would remain somewhat intact. Perhaps she should get another Pro in here?

Almost as if he had heard her thoughts, a small groan came from Midoriya as he slowly blinked his eyes open.

"Midoriya? Can you hear me?"

His eyes shifted from the ceiling towards her and he squinted in confusion.

"I-I'm sorry, who are you? Where am I? And what's-" he glanced down at Bakugo

"Wha- Why is there some random blonde on me?!"

Oh boy.

To Recovery Girls credit, it only took her a few moments to snap out of her shock.

"My name is Recovery Girl. You are at UA. Can you tell me your name?"

Midoriya furrowed his brow in thought.

"No... I-I don't know what it is. How do I not know my own name?"

"Can you tell me what the last thing you can recall is?"

His eyes darted down to the still asleep Bakugo before meeting hers again.

"I'm not sure... I think my last memories are of him? But... he was smaller. It's fuzzy. I think there was a lake? A log? I'm sorry, I wish I could remember more."

She hummed and took a step back, quickly writing the information down. "It's no problem at all, dear. Your name is Midoriya Izuku. I believe this is the cause of a quirk. I assume you don't remember getting hit by one?"

"No...? I'm sorry."

"No need to keep apologizing, boy! Could you give me a moment?"

Midoriya slowly nodded his head and she quickly left the room to dial Aizawas number.

"Recovery Girl? How are they?"

"Physically? They'll be fine with some rest. They weren't lucky enough to come out of this unscathed, though. It seems that they've both been hit by a quirk."

"...What kind of quirk are we dealing with here?"

"An amnesia one. Midoriya is the only one awake as of now and couldn't recall his own name or where he was. His last memories seem to be of Bakugo, however, they are of Bakugo as a child. There were no head injuries on either of them when they were brought in. I can't see this being anything but a quirk."

Aizawa sighed into the phone. "What do you suggest we do while sorting this problem out? Should I contact the parents and send them home?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. I suggest that they attempt to attend class as they normally would. While its not guaranteed that going back to routine could be beneficial to them thanks to the unknowns of this quirk, I doubt either of them would be too pleased with falling behind because of this."

"Right. Please call me when they are both awake and alert and I will come down to escort them back to the dorms. In the meantime, I have a problematic class to inform on the situation. Are you able to contact Nedzu and relay this information to him?"

"Yes, of course. Bakugo should wake up any moment now that Midoriya is up. My assumption is that Midoriya was hit with it first. I'll try to catch the both of them up to speed."

"Thank you. We'll talk more soon."

She pulled the phone away once he had hung up and made quick work to call the principle and inform him.

Once that was said and done she hurried back into the room to find Midoriya repeatedly poking Bakugo on the cheek.

He looked up and noticed she had returned. He blushed and froze mid poke. She raised her eyebrow but said nothing, wanting to see what his explanation would be.




"...He's holding my arm too tightly... I thought if I could wake him up he'd let go? I want my arm back... Heh..."

She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a huff of amusement.

"He was hit by a quirk. That boy isn't waking up until it's run it's course."

"Right! Of course! So, about that...What's a 'quirk'...?"

She severely underestimated how frustrating this would be.

The Amnesia Incident. (Bakudeku)Where stories live. Discover now