Chapter 4

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"Oh no," was all that Y/N could think.

Zhongli and Y/N had just barely pushed the doors open to the NorthLand Bank, when a familiar face greeted them.

"Why hello comrades," exclaimed a familiar ginger.

"Childe," Zhongli said with a hint of venom in his tone.

"No need to sound so hostile," childe said in mock hurt, practically pouting. "You're making it sound like you didn't miss me."

Childe was a formidable figure, about the same towering height as Zhongli. He had a friendly, almost boyish demeanor, but that happiness didn't carry into his eyes. They were a deeper blue than the ocean, not a single bit of light shining through its depths. Despite this, his smile was always brimming with life and amusement when he spoke. His ginger hair was always slightly tousled, his mask acting as a finishing touch. Without that mask, maybe no one would suspect him as a Fatui Harbinger.

"What brings you two here," Childe glanced over at Y/N in question.

"We have some business to attend concerning Daoming," Zhongli replied stiffly, his teeth grinding together once more.

"Why of course! That is a big deal for Liyue, isn't it?" Childe grinned. "I've been busy with settling some debts, rather than paying attention to Liyue's politics... I'm sure you understand, right?" His words were playful compared to the devilish look in his eyes.

"Yes," Zhongli sighed. "Now if you'll excuse us," Zhongli briskly passed by the harbinger, a hand firmly placed on Y/N's back.

Y/N could feel two blue eyes staring at them from across the bank, but fortunately, Childe left soon after on pursuits Y/N would never want to know about.

Business was soon finished, and the sun was setting as they left the NorthLand Bank. The walk back to the parlor was quiet but comfortable, until Zhongli cleared his throat.

"I apologize if my behavior today had been rather... temperamental, or immature," Zhongli almost looked embarrassed, but the tension in his muscles did not dissolve.

"It's alright, today was stressful for all of us," Y/N smiled. "The insufferable heat today didn't help either."

At their last statement Zhongli suddenly looked away. Y/N could see even over his suit how his back muscles were drawn tight together, and a slight redness painted his ears.

They had both reached the parlor, completing their work for the day, but Zhongli interrupted before they could properly say goodbye.

"Would you like to visit my dwelling? I have chilled osmanthus wine, which is always more enjoyable when having company," he smiled.

Y/N hesitated for a moment. This was the first time he had ever mentioned his home, much less invited someone, which made Y/N feel all the more significant to him. The implication of this invitation so late made them flush slightly, but nevertheless they agreed and nodded their head in approval. Zhongli offered a gentle hand.

"Shall we?" He spoke in a tone Y/N hadn't heard him use before. It hinted at mischief, making It all the more enticing to follow him.

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