Chapter 20

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Evie, I want to trust you, but now would be a great time to dump his ass.

Why would he comment that publicly? I would've been totally fine with it if he just texted me, but doing it on a live stream that literally everyone could see was a terrible idea.

Jaden noticed the comment just as I did, except he actually said something, "You know what Josh? Fuck off!"

I whipped my head around so I was facing him, "Jaden!" He was also being stupid because I knew for a fact that every single one of Josh's fans were going to hate him now, if they didn't already.

"What!?" He started. "It's not like he is going to care what I say, he already hates me."

"Yeah, he does! But what about all of his fans that don't hate you?" I could see the comment section going insane.

"If they are really a huge fan of Josh, then they already hate me because I dated Nessa!"

"Whatever, but can you please be nice to Josh?"

"You want me to be nice to him!? Did you see what he commented!?"

"Yeah, it was shitty. He definitely shouldn't have commented that, but your reaction was just as bad!" It was weird having an argument when I knew there were still thousands of people watching us.

"Evie, I'm not going to be friends with Josh!"

"I know that Jaden! I just want you to be able to not hate on each other constantly!"

"We don't hate on each other constantly!"

"Can we end the live if we're going to argue about this!?"

"No reason to end it, this argument is over!"

"So you're going to stop hating on him?"

"I don't hate on him, but sure I'll just ignore him from now on."

"Thanks baby."

"Whatever," He muttered under his breath. The comments were starting to get mad at him since he was sort of ignoring me.

"I love you," I sighed.

He finally looked at me and pulled me into a hug on the couch. "I love you more," He placed a kiss on my head which made me smile.

"Well, let's just get to the point of this live. No, Jaden did not cheat on me. I don't want to go into too much detail because I don't want to disclose our entire personal life, but I figured I would let you know that we are perfectly fine."

"Just so you guys know, I would never cheat on her. She's the love of my life and I wouldn't risk it."

"Also, hi TikTok Room!" I laughed. I knew for a fact that our argument was going to be on there in minutes.

"I think that's all, so we're going to end the live?" He said looking over to me in approval.

"Yep, that's all. I'll see you guys later!" I grabbed my phone and ended the live.

"Do you want to go get some food?" He asked as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch.

"Yeah, can we get sushi?" I laughed.

"Sushi? Are you sure?" I knew Jaden didn't like sushi, but I knew that he would do it for me.

"No, I'm just kidding. We can get Chipotle."

"Alright, I'm down," He walked me out to the car and we drove to get some dinner. I was actually starving and I didn't realize it until now.

We sat down at a seat outside and I couldn't stop myself from looking everywhere to make sure there weren't any cameras. I was so paranoid that I was being filmed and I'm sure that it was very noticeable.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he placed his hand on top of mine.

"I'm fine," I lied. I knew for a fact that my anxiety was starting to come back. I haven't had bad anxiety since I was fifteen and now it was all coming back to me because of all of the things that were happening.

"You sure?" He sounded really concerned, but I didn't want to worry him.

"Yeah, I'm good," I stated as I kept looking for cameras.

"Evie, there aren't any cameras. We're totally fine."

"I know, sorry. I'm just paranoid."

"You don't have to apologize," His laugh made me feel a lot better.

"How are-" I stopped immediately when I noticed a man with a camera walking up to us. I wanted to break down and cry as soon as I saw him.

"Hey Jaden and Evie!" The man said as he focused the camera on both of us.

"Hey," Jaden started. "I don't think I've seen you before, what's your name?"

"I'm Garth. I'm new to this whole thing. Do you mind if I ask you guys a few questions?" I really didn't want to deal with paparazzi right now.

"Yeah, go for it," Jaden stated. I decided to just let him do all the talking.

"Evelyn," Of course he just had to ask me a question first. "Are you working on anything right now? Any new up and coming projects?"

I put on a fake smile and decided to keep my answer short and simple, "Not really, just content for now."

"Jaden, is it true that your only using her for clout?"

"No! I don't know how many times I have said that I'm not," He stated.

"Evelyn, do you hate Josh for hating on Jaden?"

"No, I love Josh," I was just trying to get this over with.

"What about Nessa, do you hate her?"

"Why would I hate her?" I honestly had no reason to dislike her.

"She talked shit about Jaden on live and you're known for defending people."

"I don't hate her."

"How many times have you and Jaden hooked up?"

"No comment," That felt like one I should not answer publicly.

"Is it true that you're dad abused you?"

"No, of course not."

"Have you ever smoked weed?"

"I'm done taking questions right now," I looked over at Jaden and he could see how stressed I was. I don't even know where he was getting all these questions. They were all really random and irrelevant.

"Thanks, but we need to get going," He stood up from the table and I grabbed his hand and walked over to the car without leaving his side.

He followed us all the way to the car with the camera, which wasn't unusual for paparazzi. I got into the car and thankfully, the windows were tinted enough that no one could see inside.

I slammed the door shut when I got in and just broke down into tears. I gave up on trying to hold it in and let the tears flow freely.

"What's going on, Evie?" Jaden seemed really concerned for me which was definitely a good thing.

"I'm just stressed out," I said through my tears. "I'm just so sick of having to put on this fake face for cameras. I just want to be done with people interrogating me about every little thing. And my anxiety is getting worse, so my mind just can't take it anymore."

This is kinda a weird spot to end the chapter, but whatever. Vote and comment!!!

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