Chapter 7

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I woke up to a door opening. I just ignored it until I heard someone yelling. My eyes started to focus in on the world and I noticed I was still laying on Jaden's shoulder and it looked like he had also just woken up.

"What the Hell is wrong with you Evelyn?!" Who was yelling at me and why were they so mad? I started to focus more and I noticed that Nessa was standing in front of me. I immediately sat up and realized how terrible this probably looked.

"Nessa, can you calm down so I can explain this please?" I grabbed her hands and looked straight into her eyes. She was definitely pissed off.

"Why the fuck should I calm down!? I thought that you would be on my side, but no. You just had to go and invite Jaden over first! I came here to talk to you about this whole situation, but I'm guessing that you already figured it out! So now you decided that you are just going to date Jaden since he has loved you all along? I can't believe I actually trusted you, you're just a-" Jaden interrupted her.

"Nessa! Will you just shut the fuck up for like three seconds and let her explain?" Jaden suggested.

"This is not what it looks like, I swear. We were talking about everything and I decided that it would be wrong to date Jaden so soon, since you two just broke up. And for the record, I didn't invite Jaden over, he just showed up! And even if I did invite him, which I didn't, I would have every right to since he is one of my best friends."

"And I'm not?" She was definitely still pissed off.

"You are, but you have a lot of friends that support you and you don't need me. Jaden on the other hand gets into so much shit that he is running out of people to talk to."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jaden sounded like he was confused, even though it was obvious that he knew what I was talking about.

"Oh shut up, you know exactly what I'm talking about! You've fucked up so many times that I've stopped keeping track."

"You do have a point, I don't have the cleanest record do I?" Jaden remarked.

"Definitely not," Nessa seemed to have calmed down a lot. "I'm gonna go, sorry for just barging in."

"It's fine," Jaden said, but I'm ninety-nine percent sure that she wasn't talking to him.

"I wasn't talking to you," She confirmed my thought and immediately left.

I glanced over at Jaden and he looked shocked by this whole thing. I looked down and noticed that his hands were shaking. I walked over and grabbed his hands to stop the shaking and he seemed to calm down a little bit as he let out a soft sigh.

"How about we go for a walk? You down for that?" I asked hoping that maybe a walk would take his mind of of things.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," Jaden responded and we walked out the front door and decided to just go around the block.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as we kept walking.

"Yeah, I'm good."

I stopped walking and pulled him into a hug. I knew how stressed he was, so I just wanted to make him as comfortable as possible. "I know that you're stressing out right now. Just tell me that instead of lying about it. Don't be afraid to open up to me, okay?"

"Evie, I'm perfectly fine," Jaden was lying and I could tell.

"Jaden, please just talk to me."

"Fine, you're right, I am really stressed about all of this. I just want everything to calm down so that I don't have to deal with it anymore," He tilted my head up towards his and planted a soft kiss on my lips. That was probably the most stupid thing he could've done, but I sort of liked it. He pulled away quickly as he realized what he just did. "Sorry, that was stupid and I-"

"Don't be sorry, I liked it," I said as I reached up and kissed him again. This time it was longer, and more gentle.

"So what happens now?" Jaden asked and I could feel his heart rate increasing.

"I don't know, but I don't want to forget this."

"What about Nessa?"

"She already hates you, so who cares if she hates me too?"

"You can't do that Evelyn," He said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. "Then you would just be doing what I did to Josh. If we just wait for a little while, then we can do it without hurting her as much."

"What if I don't want to wait?"

"Just wait until August. It's only a month, and then we aren't hurting Nessa as much."

"Her birthday is in August, we can't do it then."

"Then let's just say July."

"Okay, so we just have to wait until then," I said as we started walking again. We were starting to get pretty close to my house again.

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone. We don't need anyone knowing anything until we are ready to put it online."

We made it back to my house and decided to just talk for a little while. We actually had a lot of fun just asking each other random questions.

"What is your favorite one of my songs?" Jaden asked me.

"There are too many, but if I had to pick it would probably be Tell Me About Tomorrow."


"I don't know, just the title on its own brings hope. I've listened to it every night since it came out. It's just a good way to end the day."

"Alright, your turn to ask a question."

"How do you think-" I was interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was a twitter notification. I was being tagged in the comments of a tweet. I opened it and realized that it was Kio's tweet.

Don't you just hate it when one of your old friends steals the girl you're still in love with?

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