Chapter 8

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I immediately texted Kio just to make sure that I was getting my facts right. I looked up for a split second to see that Jaden was checking his phone, hopefully he would run across the tweet so I didn't have to explain it.

I sent Kio a text that read, "What's with the tweet?"

I looked up again just to see if Jaden had found it yet, and it looked like he did. "Have you seen this?"

"Yeah, I just texted him about-" I started, but was quickly interrupted.

"Wait, who did you text?"

"Kio? We're talking about the same thing, right?" I could see the confusion on his face growing as I started to get a little bit more worried. What did he find that was so important?

"I was talking about the video, what tweet are you talking about?"

"Wait, what video? Show me," I stated as I walked over and sat on the couch next to him. I looked down at his phone to see us on our walk in my neighborhood, which meant that the video also had us kissing in it. That must've been what Kio was talking about in the tweet.

"Shit," I muttered as the video came to an end. This was definitely not good. Now Nessa knows everything and Josh and Mads are probably going to kill me.

"What the hell are we going to do?" He sounded terrified about it all, but he really didn't have much to lose. I was the one who was going to be hated by all of my friends.

"I-" I was interrupted again by my phone buzzing. I looked down to see Kio's name had popped up.

I read the message and it was just a simple, "Can you come over?"

I responded immediately and filled Jaden in on everything. I drove over to Sway and rang the doorbell. I don't know why I didn't just walk in, but the stress just overtook my mind.

I was actually surprised by who answered, since Josh didn't even live here anymore. "What the fuck Evelyn?!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Why does that matter?! You have ten seconds to give me one good ass explanation to what happened in that video I just watched."

"It really wasn't anything, Josh! I don't know what you want me to say!"

"Fuck, Evie! What is wrong with you?" I have never seen Josh this genuinely mad at me before and it was kind of intimidating.

"I don't know, Josh!" All of the stress was overtaking me and I could feel tears start to pour down my face. "I just don't know anymore," I walked inside the house and plopped down onto the couch. I buried my face in my hands and just kept crying.

"So why did you come here?" Josh asked and seemed to be calming down quite a bit.

"Kio's tweet kind of didn't leave me with much of a choice."

"What tweet?" He was starting to get more confused by the minute.

"Check your phone."

He opened his phone and I immediately knew when he found it because his eyes got really wide. "What the hell?"

"That's why I came over. I just wanted to clear things up with him before anything else."

"Kio still loves you?"

"I guess so, it's all just confusing to me right now," I sighed and laid back on the couch.

"So do you still like Kio?"

"Yes, no, maybe? I don't know Josh! Why's it all have to be so complicated?!"

"Do you actually like Jaden?"

"I think so, but I'm just overwhelmed! I don't know what I want right now."

"Well, you have like three seconds before Kio comes down here. You might want to make up your mind by then, eh?"

"This sucks, Josh!" I slid across the couch and laid on his shoulder. It was actually really comforting to know that Josh will be by my side ninety percent of the time. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a nice hug that calmed my nerves down a lot.

"I should probably go talk to Kio," I sniffled.

"Don't do anything stupid, we don't need buddy getting hurt again."

"So what would you like me to do then?"

"I don't know Evie, just let him down easy if you have to let him down."

"I'll try," I sighed as I walked up the stairs. I could already feel myself getting more and more nervous as I got close to Kio's room. I opened the door, but I probably should've knocked, oh well. "Hey."


"So what's up?" This felt so awkward, like you have no idea.

"What's up with you and Jaden?" Kio asked and he seemed genuinely curious.

"I don't really know honestly," I sighed as I sat down on the bed next to him. "I don't want to tip toe around things, so I'm just gonna get straight to the point. Kio, do you still love me?"

"It's not really like-" I interrupted him immediately.

"Just answer it, yes or no?"

"Yes, but I don't want to get in between you and Jaden at all. So just tell me if you are into him because I don't need you to lead me on right now."

"I have to be honest with you," I shrugged. "I do really like Jaden, but I don't think that I am completely over you yet. We were so immature when we dated, and we have definitely grown up since then."

"So what are you saying Evie?"

"I think that we could get back together and it would be so great, but I don't know if that is what I want yet."

"So you just want me to sit around and wait for you to decide?"

"That sounds terrible when you put it like that, but yeah that is basically what I am asking you to do for me."

"Well, what if-" I interrupted him again.

"Oh just shut up!" I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into a kiss. I had already kissed one Sway boy today. Why not add one more?

This one was different than the one I had with Jaden, this one was more familiar and more comfortable. It felt more like home than Jaden's ever will.

Comment your opinions, I love it when you hate on me. I find it so funny haha

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