23. a healing cut in the dark leather..

Mulai dari awal

"Consider it a promise... rings are for adults and were about to be seventeen-"

Groaning dramatically I roll over my face shrowded in over exaggerated disappointment, she looks over the edge of my bed as I wiggle myself enough to slide myself onto the floor a loving smile on her face, leaning down she takes my face in her hands and brings our lips together

"Calm down luz... I promise it'll only be if I make exceptions.. till we're nineteen- but the word "teen" kinda stretches it.. I like to be somewhat traditional."

Getting back into the bed amity leans on me her attention getting caught in the show again, wrapping my arms around her waist I close my eyes gently.

Opening my eyes to the sunlight blinding me I cover my eyes and rub the white spots away, turning to go hug amity closer I frown when she's not there. Sitting up my eyes catch a note pinned to the support of the top bunk in her beautiful cursive,

'Don't worry too much gorgeous I'm going to be back soon.. I'll get you your favorite from Starbucks on the way home ♡♡♡   ps- I left you a little something on my side. - ami♡'

Looking at the foot of my bed my eyes catch a bag, pulling it to me I pull out a black leather jacket and read the attached note

'I know I can't replace his.. but I can at least try to make you happier'

Smiling gently to the jacket in my hands my thumb runs over the thick leather, looking up at the opening door my smile gets brighter

"AMI! you're back!"

Helping her by taking most of her things I set them on my bed, side hugging her gently I bury my face in her shoulder

"Did you miss me that much? I swear I was gone only fifteen minutes"

Stealing a sip of her coffee since mine is on the bedside table I shoot my head towards her, she shrugs

"I like just plain black columbian with  caramel- UNLIKE YOU with your iced caramel macchiato made with coconut milk and extra caramel sauce, oh hm- a dab of dark chocolate too- annnnddd extra whip."

Pulling away from her I take a large spiting sip from my coffee, unintentionally sounding like a punk


Placing her hand gingerly on my waist she places a gentle kiss on my lips, parting from me I smile at her. She replies softly

"Just by the way... Goodmorning kitten-"

Actually pulling off a kitten purr I see her face light up, cupping my face in her hands She demands excited

"Do it again-"

Blushing heavily I pull away and even though I try I can't remember how, giving her a puppy dog look I whine

"I can't- I don't even know what I did"

Climbing up to the top bunk complimented with a now slightly faded good witch azura sheet used as a curtain, I stick my tongue out at her playfully. Climbing up to join me I suddenly realize how small a full size bed is, as her body cages in mine once she completes her journey up the latter. Poking at her muscle toned biceps I smirk and reply teasingly,

"What you packin there am? M-16s? Rail guns? Something fifty cal?"

My hips collide with hers as she teases just as much as I was, her thighs propping up my legs

"Is that your phone or did you order something off adam and eve?"

Blushing wildly I hide my face in my hands, every bit of my face red as all hell. Parting my hands from my face she tenderly meets our lips in a mind-melting kiss, parting from me I try to pull my mind back into consciousness

The Private Academy: Lumity storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang