(14. 15.) ...the truth (parts 1 and 2)

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Finding out the truth

(Amity's pov)

Hugging luz once she returns from the doctors office she smiles brightly at me the practice in our team going to a halt, Luz buries her neck into my shoulder her voice coming out as laughing

"You were right- I completely flipped out on the doctor after thirty minutes of slow jogging"

She whispers softly parting from me, patting her back I smile and hold out my arm

"How about we run? You look like you need it"

Luz steals the ball from me and runs down the field, breaking out into a run I yell

"Oh you're no fun! C'mon guys let's tackle her!"

Raven smirks widely and runs after luz, tackling luz down they laugh loudly. Jess and me join raven tickling her sides, luz tries squirming out of our grip tears forming as she laughs

"Come on girls! It's practice time not see how many can get into a dogpile time!"

Jumping up luz grits her teeth though her lips are in a smile, tackling me to the ground once the coach turns away she makes it seem like she's burying her face in my Jersey but us two know her lips and my skin are making contact. Pushing her off to make it seem like we were having an argument I stand up and point at her

" you better watch it wildcat- I won't hesitate-"

She winks at me and raises her hands defensively, I hear bri ask to raven

"Why'd amity call her wildcat..??"

Raven leans in and says nonchalantly

"They're dating- it's not that obvious but at the same time it is obvious.. wildcat is luzes main pet name but I've heard several others... they're cutely themed luz- cat, amity- flowers"

Jerking my whold body to raven me and luz say simultaneously

"You better watch it raven"

Raven gives a bit of a squeak seeing we've caught them, they back up from bri. Sitting on the grass fifteen minutes after practice I sigh heavily my breath coming out in sheets of white vapor to the cooling air. Luz joins me and slips her sweater onto me over my dress shirt, smiling at her I go to lean in to kiss her but naomi jumps in at the wrong moment

"Hey guuyyyysss I sure hope I'm not.. interrupting anything~"

Looking up at the three friends (naomi, raven, and vee) Standing above us they sit in front of us, raven leans over to study my ears

"Cool ears you got amity-"

Hiding my ears I look down and mumble

"Just a surgery I got- it seemed cool at the time"

Raven snickers slightly and pulls my hands down, a smile on her face. I feel scared

"Dude I already know you aren't human... I can tell those are bat scars... the only one here human is luz and I think she knows about witches after a whole year of hexside...- I know that much.. with naomi's help"

Naomi raises her hand and coughs 'I'm a quarter human' causing raven to laugh, raising an eyebrow to her I look around at the small group.

"You already know about me amity but I believe you don't about raven and naomi"

I nod slowly so damn confused until raven's skin covers in iridescent black feathers at the neck and arms, her eyes reminding me of harpy eda. All naomi had to do was lift an illusion spell and she got all these cat features- kitten nose though still however human, her ears turn witch-like and out pop purple toned cat ears above them, there is a tail but it's almost as if it's cropped it's half the normal size. Naomi looks at me and luz nervously

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