Maybe tomorrow

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\\Sorry for the long pause again I'm back with more ideas and chapters yet to come and boy oh boy are y'all in for a treat//

  Michael's POV

   I walk up to the door peeking through the hole and am taken back.

'How did he find me?'

 "Joseph what are you doing here?"

 I open the door standing there confused slightly blocking it, but he pushes his way through. 

"I could ask you the same thing." He says as he begins looking around for something. 

"Can I help you with something? Who told you I was here?" 

I say with attitude in my tone, in doing that He turns around and is surprised those words came out my mouth let alone to him. 

"no one told me you were here, I heard you talk to your momma. So, where is she?" 

he looks around asking that same question and I look at him and block his pathway by standing in front of him. He gets mad and tries pushing me out the way, but I stand my ground and he throws his hands up. "You're throwing your life away Michael, not me. you want to ruin it by some hooker that's up to you." 

"Some hooker?! she isn't just some hooker, and you must think low of me to think I would ever do or be capable of that, she is a wonderful woman that I've grown to like a great deal." 

"You've only known her for a day!" At this point he is fuming, and he won't even let me get a word out and he storms out yelling "You got another thing coming, watch!" The door slams and Alexis comes out and looks at me rubbing her eye. "Is everything okay?"

She walks up to me and hugs me, and I nod hugging her, trying not to let her see my anger. "Everything is fine love" I smile softly rubbing her back and I look at her and kiss her forehead. "Come on let's go back to sleep" she nods, and we walk back to the room, and we get in bed snuggling each other as we fall asleep.    

~The next day~

      Alexis' POV

I wake up looking up at the ceiling, taking in a deep breath and I smell cologne, not just any cologne, HIS cologne and I start to remember what happened last night and I am in shock, I am blushing reminiscing on the amazing night we had, after a few seconds I look to my left and I am met with his face and I am in pure bliss, infatuated with is smell, being in his presence, to be in the embrace of his arms holding me tight I felt safe. I was home. 

 I snuggled in close and looked up at his sleeping face "good morning." I say with a raspy voice, he opens his eyes and looks at me and with his raspy morning voice his chest rumbles "good morning beautiful." 

He wraps his arms around me tightly and i close my eyes in pure bliss, but unfortunately it was short lived. Michael's phone rang and he picked it up to look at the screen, it was his manager.  "Hey Frank, yea I'm safe. No, there is no paparazzi. yes, I promise I checked. yes, she is safe I'm with her right now." he says as he slowly turns toward me. 

I lift my arms and shrug and mouthed the words "who is it" even though I know exactly who it is.

 He mouths the words back "my manager." 

I nod in understanding "ohhhhhh okay."

I get up walking tote bathroom to get ready and prepared for the day by doing my makeup and hair. I style it half up half down, and I do my brows, eye makeup and lashes, and put on the pj's I had back on because they were cute. 

I come out the bathroom and Michael is nowhere to be found and panic sets in and I begin to overthink. and I look EVERYWERE, the kitchen, the other bedroom, and then the foyer. He is standing by the door and is talking to room service for the food. 

I sigh in relief and smile. "I thought you were a busy man, Jackson." I say as i wrap my arms around him "well i am but today I think I can make an exception" he says as he kisses my lips softly.

 For a second there is silence and its peaceful but after a bit there is pounding on the door.  screaming coming from the other side.

"Michael!! we know you're in there OPEN UP!!" an unknown voice yells from behind the door.

"Who is that?!" I whisper to Michael as we run to the room with the back door. 

"God damned journalists." 

I look back and see Royce grabbing all our stuff. the second door we were exiting was in the hall to the staircase and we run all the way down. As we are halfway to the next floor down, I hear the press burst in the hotel room we were just in, and as we make it further down, I assume they figured we left because after some time I heard the staircase door open on the floor we were in, and we book it to the garage and into the car we came in. As suspected, we were blinded by camera flash at the entrance of the garage. I duck hiding for cover in Michael's chest just below the window line as he hides my face with his jacket, shielding me from any camera flashes. 

After some time and giving some directions, and an amazing car karaoke "sesh" we finally pull into the driveway of my home. 

"Thank you again Michael for everything, you don't know how much this all meant to me. I had an amazing time."

I look up at him to find his eyes already fixated on me, I blush and look down in embarrassment and almost immediately he uses his index finger to lift my chin and gives a soft peck on my lips. 

"You're welcome beautiful, I'm glad you've had as much fun as I did." He says caressing my cheek with his thumb. 

I smile stepping out of the car and he grabs my arm as my back is still facing him.

"Wait-" he says with hesitation. "This meant the world to me Aswell and I would love to see you and spend the night with you again." 

I smile and hold out my hand looking between my hand and him. "Well Jackson? Are you going to hand a pen and paper?" i smile and say sarcastically as you can see his head shake as if he was coming out of some trance and he as smoothly as ever winks and motions with his finger for me to come close "ohh?" you can tell he is conflicted to do something but all your hear come from his mouth is "fuck it" 'and kisses my lips softly in public .  I look down in embarrassment and I hear him writing so I look up and he hands a note with his number on it. i smile and shake my head and I give him a small peck on his lips once more but to my surprise he puts his hand on the right side of my neck under my chin taking us into a passionate kiss. As our lips meet it feels like heaven, each and every time. after a bit, I pull away realizing what time it is. 

"I have to go and get ready for work." I whine and close the car door as I start heading to my house.

"WAIT- WHEN WILL I SEE YOU AGAIN?!" He is shouting from the car as the window is rolling down.

I smile turning around Infront of my door. "MAYBE TOMORROW!"

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