Upon opening the door, my jaw drops as I gasp and my eyes widen when I immediately realize that my husband is not alone...

...nor is he with a woman.

"Cameron?" I question and watch as he jumps at the sound of my voice and the unfamiliar man currently giving him oral sex pulls away as he quickly scrambles to his feet. "What the fuck?!"

"Mia!" He stumbles as he tucks himself back into his pants and zips up his slacks, leaving his belt hanging open. "I... uh... this is..."

Holding my hands up, I shake my head. "I can't believe you. Yes, we've had our issues but this?" I gesture to the two of them, "In our home?! You couldn't have had the fucking decency to wait until we at least officially separated or divorced?" Cameron attempts to grab onto my wrist with wide, pleading eyes but I yank away from him. "Not to mention, did you ever think you should possibly tell your fucking wife that you're gay?"

"I think I'm bisexual. I still find women sexually attractive, I've always found you attractive," he does his best to save the situation but my world is so flipped right now that I can't even have this conversation right now.

I bat my lashes in shock and take a step back when he tries to walk up to me. My eyes flit to the young man awkwardly standing in the corner and my brows come together as I peek around at him. "Did you know that he was married?"

Shaking his head as he stares at the ground, he slowly raises his line of vision to meet my gaze again. "No, he never mentioned he was married. To be honest, I assumed he only liked men since he had left the bar with others in the past."

My shoulders slump as I look up at the man I thought I knew, the one I'm legally bound to. "There were others?" My voice breaks as stubborn tears roll down my heated cheeks.

"Nothing ever happened with them. We only talked and went to different bars. This is my first experience with a man," Cameron explains.

"And that's supposed to make it better? And this poor guy you brought here, completely unaware of everything... Cameron, I can't fucking believe you," I breathe out. Taking a couple of steps backward, I get ready to leave this tainted home and the man I had vowed to love for the rest of my life. He grabs my arm out of desperation and I attempt to pull away, stumbling a bit and bumping into a side table causing the lamp to fall and break, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!"

The door to the den flies open and all of us turn in that direction to see Jimin worriedly looking me over before his eyes land on Cameron's hand still tightly gripped onto my bicep. Briskly walking up to him, he pushes my husband hard enough to make him lose his grip on me. "She said to not fucking touch her."

"Who the fuck are you?!" Cameron yells as he steps up to Jimin who had protectively placed me behind him.

"Jimin, let's just go," I state but I don't think he can even hear me as he keeps his intense gaze on the angered man staring back at him.

"Oh, so you're the Jimin she's talked about," Cameron smirks as he looks him up and down. "So, Mia, you want to be a hypocrite about catching me cheating and you've been cheating on me, too?"

"She never fucking cheated on you, you piece of shit," Jimin defends me and while I appreciate him having my back, I can also speak for myself.

"I was honest with you from the start, Cameron. I told you every time I was out with Jimin and what we were doing. I never even kissed another man. Obviously, you can't say the same." I quirk a brow at my obvious dig about his secret affairs and sexual desires. "But whatever happens now is no longer any of your concern. We are done."

"Mia, wait. Let's go to counseling or something," Cameron implores as his eyes soften and his breath quickens. "I told you that I was going through some things but let's not end it like this. I'm sorry, Mia. I never intended to hurt you."

Dangerous Desires | PJM 18+Where stories live. Discover now