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Knocking on the hotel suite Mia told me she was in, I hear the sound of feet shuffling on the other side and the moment I see her beautifully sad face, my bottom lip reflexively pokes out

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Knocking on the hotel suite Mia told me she was in, I hear the sound of feet shuffling on the other side and the moment I see her beautifully sad face, my bottom lip reflexively pokes out. Even with the disheveled hair, raw red-rimmed eyes from crying, and tear-stained cheeks, she was still absolutely stunning. Holding up the tub of ice cream I had quickly grabbed at the convenience store on the way here, she offers me a minuscule smile that doesn't reach her eyes and steps back to allow me to walk in.

"I wasn't really sure what flavor you prefer so I got us Neapolitan," I state as I watch her walk back over to the bed and plop down with a small bounce before taking it from my hands. "I hope that's okay."

"Yes, thank you." Sniffling, she does her best to try to hold back her tears, "And thank you for being here."

"You needed a friend and I couldn't let you be alone right now."

Still standing in an attempt to not be too intrusive, I watch her scoot back to the headboard. I just didn't want her to go through such a bad time in her life without anyone by her side... again. Walking over to the chair in front of the desk, I pull it out to take a seat but pause when I hear her call my name.

"What are you doing?" She knits her brow as a blend of strawberry and vanilla ice cream was scooped onto her spoon.

"Sitting?" I awkwardly touch the chair and then slip my hands into my pocket. "Did you want me to go or...?"

"No?" She tilts her head, "Why would you sit way over there?"

"Oh," I glance around the room before meeting her curious gaze. I don't need a mirror to know that my cheeks are bright red. "It's just... I wasn't sure if you'd want me to sit on the bed with you."

Rolling her eyes, she stuffs an oversized spoonful of ice cream into her mouth, "We're not thirteen and I don't have cooties."

Chuckling, I walk up to the bed and ease myself onto the mattress next to her. Handing me a spoon of my own, she forces a small smile before grabbing hold of the remote and turning on the television. Even though it was unintentional, I was glad that I was at least able to get her to smile even if it was only a little bit.

Mia is such a beautiful soul that it baffles me that she's even in this situation. Her mere presence seems to brighten everyone else's days and I don't even think she knows how much she illuminates the world around her. To be honest, I think that makes her even more gorgeous. It's beyond physical, her spirit is what makes her that much more captivating so it's really no wonder she's been on my mind since the day we met.

But seeing her light dulled right now and her struggling to keep herself together not only makes my heart feel like it's going to rip in two but makes me infuriated. I have to keep telling myself to not go over to her house and give that so-called husband of hers a piece of my mind. But alas, I have to remember my place. I am just a friend. Her marriage is beyond my jurisdiction. My place is to be here for her in her time of need.

Dangerous Desires | PJM 18+Where stories live. Discover now