Marinette + Adrien + Chat Noir (Not my story)

Start from the beginning

Marinette's mind went blank when she saw Chat Noir leaning against the casing of the open window, a strange expression adorning his face. "C-Chat!" She shrieked, standing up, completly forgetting the boy on the couch "This isn't, um, this is not, uh, er...I'm sorry, l-let me explain, j-just give me a-" Marinette didn't finish her speech because a strong pair of arms had made their way around her waist. "A-Adrien!" she yelped helplessly. The blonde boy wasn't making the situation better.

But what shocked her the most was to hear Chat chuckling, a smirk gracing his features. "A-aren't you mad? Both of you?" At that, both boys started to giggle, but instead of being purely humorous, it was laced with something else, something dark and dangerous. "Oh Marinette" meowed chat, moving predatory slow towards her "If only you knew" finished Adrien in her ear, voice musky.

And that's how they had ended in the current situation, the three making out in her bedroom. Marinette was long gone, and Adrien/Chat Noir wasn't thinking about stopping anytime soon as they found themselves now, underwear as the only clothing covering their bodies -Marinette couldn't even remember when they had gotten all of their vestments out-. " it your first time?" Adrien asked Marinette -even though he knew the answer to his question already- while kissing her back lovingly, to which she could only nod weakly, her common reasoning spent a while ago.

Marinette vaguely noticed Chat moving towards the far end of the bed to grab something from a bag she vacantly recalled to have seen him carry when he had appeared in her living room. She didn't have time to guess what could have it been when she was suddenly twisted around, facing Adrien all of a sudden. She also didn't have time to question his actions as he started to kiss her hotly, his lips moving fervently against his own, making her moan. The sound seemed to only agitate the blonde more as he groaned and smacked their hips together, the action making the three of them moan -Marinette didn't notice Chat's though-. Adrien bit her lower lip, asking for permission, to which she happily obliged, and soon their tongues were dancing together in an erotic waltz that left the girl completly elapsed.

She was so enthralled with the kiss she hadn't noticed Chat's hands running up and down her body, until they had stopped in her chest, gently holding her bosom, bra stil on. She broke the kiss to turn and look at him and saw the silent question his eyes asked. She gulped and nodded, nervouness creeping into her brain again. He fiddled with the piece of clothing's hooks, taking a few minutes to unclasp them, but alas doing so, revealing a pair of round, medium sized breasts ornated with a couple of perky, hard pink nipples to Adrien. The boy froze in place and couldn't help but stare at the discovery for a while -so Chat was in the same state-, which made Marinette flush and cover herself in embarassment "S-stop staring at them!" she complained, finally clicking him out of his trance. Adrien couldn't help but chuckle at her pouty, blush tinted face. God she was beautiful. He grabbed her wrists and slowly, mildly, started to separate them. God she was so so beautiful "I'm sorry, your beauty left me smitten for a minute" He whispered, looking directly into her eyes. Marinette giggled softly, her uneasiness subduing. "Shut up Adri-AH!" She yelped when she felt Chat Noir grasp her breasts, massaging them gently. "Ah...Chat..." she moaned but was again silenced by Adrien's lips on her own. That went on for a while, alternating between Adrien kissing her and Chat massaging and Chat kissing and Adrien caressing. Marinette felt ready to combust at any given moment -who'd blame her though-, but she quickly sobered up when she felt Chat's adventurous hand playing with the hem of her panties.

She suddenly was very aware of the situation at hand, and she knew they were beyond the limit already, but this was certainly the breaking point. "I-im not sure about this" she managed to murmur breathlessly "I...We aren't ready for this" she sighed, half-collapsing into Adrien, bringing Chat along. "What do you mean?" Adrien asked into her left ear "If you don't feel like continuing Princess we can always stop" Chat suggested in her right one. "No...I don't want it to end just yet but..." the confession she had just made making her flush "But...things are complicated. Chat, you love Ladybug and...I feel kinda bad for you...becau-" "Let me stop you there" Chat interrumpted her "Do you really think I'd be doing this with someone I don't have feelings for? The same goes for you or for him. Would you?" He inquired, pointing at Adrien, at which she just shook her head in defeat, making him smile "Thought so, Princess" and he smooched her in the forehead. But stubborn Marinette wouldn't back down so easily "But..." "But?" Both boys replied in unison, eyebrows arched "Isn't this...complicated? I mean, we are three people, the...positioning and...stuff" Marinette mumbled, face growing redder by the second "I've got that covered" responded Adrien nonchantantly "But we lack the materials!" she finally said, a little louder than she had wanted it to come off as, cheeks finally turning into tomatoes. "Materials?" Chat questioned " and...stuff" she repeated, voice growing quieter and ending up barely audible at the last words. If the superhero hadn't had supernatural senses he wouldn't have caught it, that's for sure.

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