Chapter 4

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(Nothing just did some paragraph edit to look good.)

Yoongi threw his bag on the bed and dragged out the chair sitting heavily on it. Frustrated, he twisted his hair harshly between his fingers. His mind is racing with everything, always reminding of that fragile figure whenever he closes his eyes.

What's making me so confuse?

Resting head on the table in front of him, he looked outside. An overcast and wet day greeted him from the window. Without blinking, his gaze kept wandering to nothing in particular. After a while, his attention fell onto his bag. With his head lifted,his hands reached out for the bag.

"Stupid books."

In between his soliloquies, he grabbed the book he received from his teacher. Having sat down, he examined that cover. There were some traces of wear on the cover page.

"Too much blood
Has flown from the wrists
Of the children shamed
For those they chose to kiss."

Seeing the quote written on the page, the male read it. Surely not understanding the significance, he shrugged it off. To read further, he turned over the page. The pages were old and worn out, since it had been published long ago. 

"Why do we have to read these gruesome stories, so annoying." Nevertheless, he kept on to read the book.

(In case if you could not read)

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(In case if you could not read)

A day will come when this darkness will disappear,
I will hold your hand in mine
You will be smiling at me
Greetings from the new world
This love will be granted,
One day, it will happen
Our love won't be cursed.
                       -Kenim Jois(Author of the book)

(Here the book starts)

"For many people, the late 1990s were a time of trouble and turmoil, but mostly for the non-straight people. People were forced to stay in their closets and fake a different persona from who they really were. At this time, being gay was considered a curse and an act of rebellion against God. In a world with so much hatred, some would rather die than being who they are. But love, however, transcends all barriers."

1986, Daegu

( From here everything will be written in third person P.O.V.)

The hallway of the hospital resounded with the shrieks of a woman. The family members outside the operation room were waiting anxiously, the husband was pacing the corridor feeling extremely nervous. Soon, the painful screams were replaced by a baby's cry. A wide smile of relief swept through everyone's faces.

A few minutes later, the doctor came out taking off his mask. She stood in front of the husband, smiling, "Congratulations, it's boy." Hearing that the broadened. He shook hands with the doctor to express his gratitude. "Can we meet them?" A woman assumed to be his mother asked.

"You can meet them after we shift them into another room. And Mr. Jeon, please come with me." Toward the end, the doctor turned towards the husband. Mr. Jeon nodded quickly before following the surgeon.

In the cabin:

"Mr. Jeon, your wife and the baby are completely healthy. But Mrs. Jeon has to take care of herself, recovery may take some time. She needs plenty of rest, don't let her work or heavy lifting. Good nutrition and exercise are also required. Make sure she follows up on those exercise in due time." The said female torn out a prescription and gave it to Mr. Jeon. "Get them from the pharmacy near hospital." The father of the new born baby stood up thanking and bowing several times. He stared at the paper with a wide smile and headed out from there.


So how are you all??

Sorry for delaying my updates :(((

There is no one named Kenim Jois, I just made up the name and ofc that shitty poem is mine > <

The first poetic line was a part of song called 'Make It Stop (September's Children)' released in 2011 by Rise Against.

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