Chapter 1

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"Can you see who's here?" one shouted, accumulating attention. A tight grip was on the poor boy's shoulder, who was trembling in fear. It is not an unusual event, ever since Park Jimin's homosexuality became known to school officials, it happens every day. While the school is generally not homophobic, there are still some bullies who pick on homo students. And what about the others? They don't seem to enjoy it either, but neither do they dare stand up to those bullies.

The boy named Jackson walked up to Jimin and grabbed his jaw, which brought him to look up.

"I wonder why you still show up? Are you this shameless?" Jimin's hair was extremely tangled in Jackson's fingers as he tugged it backward with a harsh grip. A smirk creased his face while the boy whimpered from the pain. Continuing on, he punched the shorter male's face, resulting in him falling to the ground.


A voice called out and the group quickly moved towards it only to see Min Yoongi approaching them. It was a sight that everybody gulped at, even the bullies.

His one hand rested on Jackson's shoulder as he stood beside him.

"How can you say such words to him?" He bent down to reach Jimin's height gently holding his arm. The older softly grabbed the younger's chin, making him look into his eyes. His glossy eyes pleaded for help. Yoongi reached into his pocket looking for something and pulled it out quickly only to glue it on Jimin's forehead.

A gay is not a man

A paper had it written on.

"This is what faggots deserve." A smirk was placed on Yoongi's face. Jimin's hands were gradually raised toward his forehead as he reached out for the piece of paper. He could hear laughter around him, and as he saw what was written, tears poured from his eyes. But it went unnoticed by the people as he got up and went to the washroom right away. Having reached the door, he closed it behind himself, sliding against it and wailing. His heart was breaking as those words echoed in his mind.


"How the fuck are you gay? My only son?"

"What is my fault?

"You are a disgust to our family."

"No, I'm not!!"

"You, and your mother, both get out of this house."


"The car accident seriously injured your mother. We were unable to save her."

"MOM!! Wake up please."

"This is all your fault. Never bother me again with your disgusting face."

"DAD!! I am your own blood."

"You are not my blood. Your flifthy mother must have slept with someone else. Never come back to his house again, I will send you money until you turn eighteen and after that I don't care how soon you are dead."

Jimin curled up on the floor mumbling something to himself, "Am I really disgusting, mom? Have I disappointed you too? But this is not my fault. I never wished to be like this. Mom, take me with you too please. I want to be with you."

As for the crowd, some had enjoyed the show, while others left taunting at the bullying. When Yoongi saw Jimin running, an aching sensation filled his heart. His gaze shifted to the others who were still laughing and for some unknown reasons it irritated him. His legs moved and he left the place as soon as possible, ignoring Jackson's yells. To find some solitude, he went to the terrace. It's where he comes every time he is confused or sad.

Inhaling a deep breath, his vision turned to the sky. The earlier events have left him confused. As soon as he shut his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a certain boy. It's painful for him to see those glossy eyes, those screams, but he won't admit it.


Taekook's story will start a few chapters later. I won't be able to update regularly, please bear with me🙂

A sad ending or a happy ending or both??

I prefer sad ending.

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