Chapter Thirteen: Back to School

Start from the beginning

"It's fine. Obviously I will never fully forgive you, but I don't completely hate you as much as I did. You really hurt me for the second time. This time mentally though. We can't be friends, and never will be, I'm sorry. Hopefully you understand," at least I can handle something maturely!

"I understand," that's all he said. He walked off with just that?! Wow! Chicken! I walked back to my friends, took Cade's hand that was being held out to me, and we walked to school in scilence. I knew when I walked in I would have to face the humiliation. However when I walked in people came up to me and said sorry for laughing at me. Some said they wished for the same things. I just mumbled back thank you everytime. Everyone was reassuring me. I was back to being the kind, popular girl I was before the accident. We had our first four classes, lunch, and recess. For recess I ran around the track with July. While Cade and Eli cheered for us in the stands since Cade's back and neck still hurt. After recess I changed back into my normal clothes, and went to World Geography, English, Reading, and finally gym. Today was dodgeball Friday, so we played dodgeball until the bell to get ready to go home rang. We had five minutes to change and pack up our backpacks. Before we could leave school the announcer clicked on, "Katelyn, July, Eli, and Cade to the office please. Thank you." Everyone started shouting oooo! So I just walked down with Cade and July. Eli was in the bathroom. Funny how the four of us ended up in the same class this year.

"Welcome kids. Katelyn's grandma called and said she has fallen ill, and was going to the doctor, so you guys will ride the bus. That's all," shocked to stare at her with my mouth hung open. Millions of questions raced in my mind. Could she drive? Was she ok? Did she need my help? When will she be home? Can I call her? Visit her? Tears began to form and fall down my cheeks. Before Cade could notice, July came over and wrapped my in a huge hug. She bent down, and told me to get on her back. She gave me a piggy back ride back to class, and once we got in every circled around us asking what happened. Eli told them everything. Cade pushed through the crowd of comforting students, and also gave me a hug like July. We stood there hugging in front of a teacher until the bell rang. Frankly? I'm surprised we didn't get yelled at for hugging, but right now. That's the least of my worries. We climbed the bus steps onto bus seven, and we rode the rest of the way home in scilence. Me by Cade. July by Eli. "Have a good night girls and boys!" Said the bus driver, Abby, as she pulled up to the stop. She flung open the school bus doors, and I ran. Not home, not to the hospital, but to the woods. I heard my name being called but I didn't care.

I ran and ran and ran. Only untill my Kings were screaming for breath did I stop. No one was around, just complete scilence. That was until my iPhone started vibrateing. I picked it up, it was Eli, "please come back. We can't find you, and Cade is worried sick! Your grandma left a note with all of her co tact info, July called her, told her what happen, and your grandma said she will be home in an hour. She hopes to see you there when she gets there," he kept going on about my grandma being sick, driving there, saying that the doctor gave her pills, doctor said she was okay, just needs to not be so stressed all the time, and then he hung up. Never let me get a word out. I walked along the side of the woods, and arrived home.

Cade jumped from the stool, knocking it over, and grabbed my arm. He pulled me into my room and locked the door. I started crying while he laid me down on my bed. We lay there while I cry. He comforts me and says everything will be okay. We knew my grandma was home because we heard he talking to July and Eli. Then she walked past my room, into her room, but never peaked her head in. I look over at my alarm clock: 5:39. July walks in with Eli right behind her, and they turn on my curve TV that was in my room. They pluged in the Wii, and all of us ended up playing baseball and tennis. All the competition took over my sadness, and I was happy again. Without even asking my grandma we ordered Domino's pizza. They delivered it to my house, and we sat in my room with two, two liters bottles of Orange Crush, and Dr. Pepper. Grandma popped her head in saw we had pizza, grabbed three pieces, said "hi" to us, told us about the doctor's office and left us alone. I put on my iTunes Radio, and we jam out. Around 11:30 we were pooped from all the talking and singing. We decided my bed was too small for two. Cade and I went into the basement to sleep in my parents room, and July and Eli took the other guest bedroom that was located in the basement. They were right next to eachother in the hallway.

I hit the memory foam pillow that was my mom's and I fell into a deep dark sleep. Then I had a dream...

"Mom! Dad! Can Lily, Jake, and I have pizza?!" Me talking.

"Sure! Whatever you want! We are all going to die tomorrow in a car crash. All of us that is except Katelyn. Kay take care of the house!" My mom.

"Okay! I promise I will!" What a dumb dream, I don't even relize what she just said!

"Thank you I love-"

My dream was cut off by Cade shaking me. "You were trembling Katelyn. You okay?"

"Yeah I was just having a dream, sorry for waking you."

"It's okay, night," and was fell back a sleep. My mind went back into the dream

It was the next day. We were on the road, I knew what was going to happen. Then the crash, and it all repeated again.

I jerk awake. Cade was still sleeping. I flip over to my other side and slept. Finally not having the horrifying dream.

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