Kerlais laughed. "Wait, so you just have a bunch of extra helmets just lying around?"

"Well, they aren't all exactly the same. I suppose you'll see what I mean later."


Though it was only a second or two, it seemed a while before Grian dropped his look of confusion and anger and laughed in a sort of relieved way.

"Relax, it's just Etho."

Etho stood awkwardly and brushed dust off his pants, looking around the room. Ren, Impulse, and XB were there too, still shocked from his sudden entrance. There was also a small mooshroom, partially hiding behind Ren's foot, but poking its face around in curiosity. Where did a mooshroom come from?

"Sorry, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"Of course not," Grian thought for a moment. "In fact, this is wonderful. You're just the person we need." XB raised an eyebrow, and Etho felt just as confused.

"How so?" He anxiously fiddled with the dark mask he wore. Something felt off, but he couldn't place what. Maybe it was paranoia from being in the caves so long? Maybe it was about Grian's sage green eyes? That was it. Though he didn't hang out with the man often, Etho knew that was the wrong color.

As soon as he noticed it, it was gone. Grian's eyes were back to their usual brightness. What? Am I going insane?

"Well, first off, I'm sure you already know about the HEP getting rid of the mycelium on the island?" Etho nodded. "We, everyone here, have decided that isn't right. We think the HEP should be protecting the environment, not changing it." Etho thought for a moment, then nodded again. It made sense. "This is where you'd be such a great fit: you're a master of shenanigans, we all know that. And I think a resistance could use that extra bit of chaos, don't you agree?"

Grian had a point. It was clear he knew Etho would never turn down being a part of shenanigans, and a resistance was just too good an opportunity to pass up. And if Grian said it was a good idea... Well, that probably meant it was a horrible idea, but a lot of fun.

"But why trust me so quickly? I've barely known about this resistance for a minute and you're already asking me to join?"

"I know how you play the game, Etho. You'll choose whichever side is the most intriguing. Besides, I'm sure our commitment will soon grow on you."

Etho raised an eyebrow. "Was that a pun?"


"Alright, I'm sold. Count me in."

"If I may," XB spoke slowly but loudly, as if irritated by the interruption. "Perhaps we should get on with the meeting?"

Grian rolled his eyes. "Please, as if we were doing anything productive anyways. But I agree, we should continue." He beckoned for Etho to join the group, and he stood somewhat awkwardly at a corner of the table between Grian and XB. "I suppose I should explain the plan to stop the HEP's progress. We'll start off small, not going after them directly, but undoing their work. The longer we can stay under their radar, the better, which is why we'll have to work at times we won't be seen, like nighttime. However, the HEP is currently holding a meeting at the spawn island, so we'll have maybe a few hours head start before they get to work up there."

"Up there?" Etho questioned. "You mean... we're under the Shopping District?"

"Of course. What did you expect?"

"Well, come to think of it, aren't we supposed to stay away from there?"

Grian laughed. "Etho, think about it, is any of what we're doing actually allowed?"

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