"All my Dorayaki is gone." Mikey held up a hand, sending Draken a close-eyed smile.

The crinkle of plastic was heard as Y/N opened a new pack of Dorayaki for herself. Mikey immediately looked her way, staring at the pastry in her hands.

"No." She told him sternly. The blonde-haired boy, however, continued to silently plea. "No means no, Mikey. Stay away from me."

"Please! Pretty please with cherries and sprinkles and Cheetos on top?!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Hah?! Why would you put Cheetos on top?!" Y/N asked, placing a hand on her hand.

"Because they're good!"

"Not everything belongs together, Mikey! Remember that time you put ranch sauce on pizza?!"

"Man," A red-haired boy muttered to his friend, "Those guys can't read the atmosphere at all."

"Good work, president!" A random guy suddenly shouted. He bowed and, one by one, everybody else followed his lead. Y/N huffed.

"Why don't I get this treatment." She grumbled. She glanced over at Mikey, noticing the crumbs he had on the side of his face. "Oi, Mikey, you have a little something over there." She lightly tapped his cheek. He licked the crumbs, much to Y/N's disgust. She couldn't judge though. She would do exactly the same.

"M... Mi... Sano-san, L/N-san!" Somebody suddenly stepped in their way as the trio walked through the crowd. "I'm Akaishi. I'm... with the special attack unit."

Mikey walked past without a word while Y/N spared him a glance.

"You're in the way." Draken grumbled, "They don't talk to guys that don't interest them." Akaishi sweatdropped.

"Oh... I'm sorry." He stepped back, disappointed.

As Y/N munched on her Dorayaki, she watched Kiyomasa bow. Immediately, he was kicked in the stomach by Draken.

"Kiyomasa, who died and made you king?" Draken growled, "You're seriously gonna greet the president with that shallow bow?" Kiyomasa let out a groan of pain.

"I... I understand!" He choked out.

Meanwhile, Mikey walked towards the beat up boy, leaning way too close. He stumbled back and ended up tripping.

"What's your name?" Mikey questioned, unfazed.

"Hanagaki Takemichi."

Mikey nodded.

"I see... Takemicchi." He uttered. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"That's what Mikey said so that's what it is." Draken piped up.

"Y'all need to get your ears checked." Grumbled Y/N. Mikey suddenly crouched down, holding the back of Takemichi's head with his right hand.

"Are you really a middle schooler?" The president of Toman asked, grinning, "Takemicchi, from today onward, you're my bitch!" Y/N lightly snorted.

"Mikey, are you sure you're straight?" She teased.

"You can't say much. You kissed a girl instead of me! And, it was my sister!" Mikey pouted, puffing out his cheeks.

Draken turned his head to the side, not wanting anybody to see the envy that was burning in his eyes. Did he want to be Y/N or Emma? Who did he want to kiss more?

Mikey stood up, glancing at Kiyomasa.

"Are you the one who organised this 'fighting' ring?" The shorter male asked, walking towards Kiyomasa.

The black-haired boy started to sweat. He thickly gulped before slowly nodding.


Mikey didn't waste a second in lifting his right leg, kicking Kiyomasa in the chin with ease.

"Who they fuck are you?" Mikey growled as he grabbed the ravenette by the hair, punching him in the face.

Draken stood on the sidelines, casually watching, while Y/N took pictures of the mini fight from every angle.

Punch after punch was delivered to Kiyomasa until his nose was bleeding and he had a busted lip.

"Shall we go home, Kenchin, Y/N?" Mikey smiled as he slammed his foot down on Kiyomasa's head.

"Underground fights are stupid." Mikey muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Don't do anything to ruin the name of Toman." Draken fussed. He grabbed Y/N who was busy jumping on Kiyomasa's motionless body, dragging her away.

"See you later," Mikey looked over his shoulder, "Takemicchi."

"You guys!" Draken loudly exclaimed, "Don't stand there daydreaming! Scram!"


"You were fucking awesome, Takemichi!" Yamagishi yelled, eyes sparkling with awe.

"I was deeply moved!" Suzuki proclaimed.

"And you were able to get the invincible Mikey to notice you!"

"You're amazing, Takemichi!"

As Yamagishi and Suzuki acted out the scene involving Mikey, Akkun tilted his head to the side.

"Say, who was that H/C-haired girl? I've never seen her around Toman before." The maroon-haired boy uttered.

"Oh! That was L/N Y/N!" Yamagishi piped up, "Apparently, she's Toman's childhood friend! Hence why she spoke to Draken in such an assertive tone!"

"... She's hot." Yamamoto muttered. The rest of Takemichi's friend group silently nodded.

"She really is."


"Couldn't agree more."

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐀 #tokyo rev. [✓]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang