18 - Dhruv's Message And Bloody Hands. (Edited POV)

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"Oi Valaskan ! To what do I owe this pleasure ?"

He was busy talking and laughing with one of my distant cousins, Ravali. I didn't knew how I should feel upon seeing him for I decided to forget I had ever met him but there he was. He meant nothing to me but I knew he had trudged far away from just a normal friendship.

Him being there meant danger both for him and my status.

"Lady Shivanya ! Or should I say, 'Your Majesty' ?" He bowed down in respect and took my hand to plant a kiss. People already started murmuring around me.

"Shivanya. Please." I said and turned to Ravali, "Rava ? Rashmi is looking for you." Smiling, Ravali disappeared.

"Are you stalking me again ?!"

"Hey ! Don't go all Queen on me. My heart's soft. To some extent... Yes. I was kind of stalking you. I was in Amritsar to attend some business matters. When I was about to leave for Delhi, my men informed me that the climate has worsened in Haryana."

"Delhi ?"

"Yes. My father said and I quote- 'You are to take over our business one day. It's high time you acquaint yourself with the process and the important parties.'" He mimicked his father and chuckled.

We are one of your important parties,

"That's great. I hope your passage was comfortable and that you like it here." I smiled.

"Oh it was and I'm loving it. It's amazing really... And beautiful." He said, looking over at a group of young princesses. Then he added, "Especially this." And stuffed a whole kaju katli in his mouth.

The Haveli was preparing for the commencement of the Panch Pratha. The decorations had just began with the servants lining every corner of the vintage establishment with orange marigolds. A group of men and women sat in a corner, singing melodious folk songs dedicated to Mahadev and Devi Parvati, playing flute, harmonium and Veena. Every colour created by the gods was there around me in the form of flowers, art, clothing, food, lamps and everything that gave life to the rich culture of Hindustan.

"Now I won't say I'm sorry about your father because you've probably heard enough of that. Just be strong and know that it'll all come to pass." He said, taking my hand in his but I quickly drew it away.

I didn't miss the looks of contempt people threw at him and that of judgement at me. As Vikram joked around, desperately trying to make me laugh, I found myself slipping away as reality hit me. I couldn't do that. I couldn't laugh around with him for the time and place had too much contrast. We weren't in the green meadows of Gritaan away from judgemental eyes and eager ears, we were in colourful Somm among angry wolves and where I was still mourning my father.

My silent prayers answered when Krishna interrupted us.

"Sister ? A word." He said and walked past a confused Valaskan. Why was he even confused ? Did he not know that Krishna was my brother ?

"Mister Vikram ? Why don't you rest up and have a relaxing bath perhaps ? Then over dinner, I could acquaint you with my family and mock your new haircut when no one's hearing ?" I suggested.

"I would like that."

"Perfect. Rama here will show you to your chambers." Once Vikram and Rama the maid disappeared among the crowd, I walked up to Krishna who was waiting for me rather impatiently.

"What is that half Gritaan doing here ?" He asked and threw a hand up in the air.

"I don't know brother. He said he was in Amritsar and on his way to Delhi when he heard the climate in Haryana worsened. I think he'll stay till it clears." I said looking around as if I was guilty of something and he was interrogating me.

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