Chapter XX: The Queen Hero

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July 2nd, 20XX. Somewhere outside Telta.

Rustling on a nearby treeline, just a mile away from Telta City. A man with Black Ops gear showed his head from the bushes, with night visions strapped to his eyes. The man observes the defenses made in the surrounding City.

"They placed another layer of fortifications outside of Telta." Said the man. "It appears despite them being ignorant and egoistic on using modern weapons, they made sure they were prepared. Well, on the feudalism side."

"Well, they are Zolzal's men." Said another man as he showed up from the first man's side. "Say, where's the Major and Captain Y?"

"Right here, Captain S." Said another approached.

There comes another two from behind. Wearing the same thing.

"Captain Y, Major U." Said the man. "What's our next move?"

"We'll infiltrate the city soon, Lieutenant I." Said Major U. "We'll move out in 10 minutes."

Captain Y and Major U left the two soldiers. Captain S(Supriyadi), and Lieutenant I ( Iqbal).

"Hey, think the Voglia Queen is as hot as she's rumored?" Asked S.

"You fuck." I retorted back. "We're on a freaking mission!! With the freaking legend!! Have some decency!"

"Shut up." Said S. "I was just joking."

10 minutes passed, the Black Ops team moved to infiltrate the city. It was an easy ordeal, since the soldiers satisfied themselves with whores and booze, as it grants them the way to enter. They sneaked through the gate defense, and just went inside the city. After a short while, they got themselves an abandoned house. About the two-story-tall house.

"We'll wait here." Said Major U. "We'll set up a base of operations here. We'll move out tomorrow."

After setting up a base of operations, Lieutenant I, or Iqbal leaned upon the cold wall of the abandoned room. While all the way, still wearing his gear. Well, not with the Night Vision goggles.

Sun came up, and Iqbal woke up. He took his rifle and went into the second floor, where Major Ucok has been taking watch.

"Major U. Go and rest." He said. "I'll take it from here."

"Thanks." Said Major U. "I'll be awake in the afternoon."

Major Ucok left Iqbal all alone while taking the watch from one of the windows there. He looked vigilantly towards the surrounding, not wanting their location to be discovered.

Just then, Iqbal felt a presence. Just right behind him. He readied his pistol with a silencer, ready to shoot. He turned around quickly but found nothing.

He wanted to shrug it off, but it doesn't feel right. Someone is here, he knows so. Then, he heard a tapping noise. At first, he suspected it was something. But then, the tapping had a pattern. A certain interval of time pause makes it clear. Iqbal then stood up and readied his gun. Just then, he noticed movements from the ground floor. His comrades woke up, sensing the same presence.

Iqbal puts up his Night Vision goggles and illuminates the dark spots and corners. He then saw it and took the shot. A scream of agony was heard, it was a direct hit to its body.

The rest rushed to his aid and aimed right at the figure. The figure was half pig and half men.

"Who are you?" Iqbal asked.

But the pig figure just sat still in agony. Not answering. Major Ucok walked towards the pig figure and dragged the figure to the open. Major Ucok started to beat the figure, beating the living crap out of him.

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