Chapter 24: Peace at Last

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Henry POV

"Alyssa, seriously? Why would you want to recruit Toppats into the Government? Are you out of your head?!"

Henry had been told the full story by Charles, and when Alyssa had returned, he wasn't a very happy brother.

Alyssa took a deep breath, "Henry, I would explain it to you, but since you're my brother, I don't really have to. Just give them a chance, and you'll see how they are."

Henry would've argued with her even more, if he hadn't caught sight of a little blue figure hiding  in the bushes, waving at him.


Crystal winked at him, then vanished into nothingness.

Henry suddenly remembered their short (and weird) conversation about the Toppat Clan being allied with the Government in her parallel universe. If they could somehow work out their differences in their world, why not here?

Henry sighed heavily, "Alright Alyssa, I'm giving you a chance. Since you knew them personally, I trust you. But if one thing goes wrong, you will have to face consequences. Got that?"

Alyssa nodded with a determined face, "Don't worry! I won't let you down!"

Charles looked at Henry with a disappointed face, "Really Henry?"

"I know you had a tough time with them, but you could give them a chance.", Henry said.

Charles shrugged sadly, "I guess I could. It'll be hard though."

Charles POV

Henry put his arm around him for reassurance, "Hey, I'll support you. Don't worry."

Alyssa spoke as well, "I don't know what you have against the Toppat Clan personally, but I'll support you too, if you'd like."

Charles' face heated up strangely, "Y-yeah, sure, I'd-I'd like that, I guess."


Ellie came up to them, in a very good mood. She kissed Henry and joined them.

"What's up with the smile Ell's?"

Ellie smiled even wider, "Oh nothing much, just talked things over with someone."

Alyssa asked, "So did it go well?"

"Couldn't have gone better. I owe it to you.", Ellie said.

"I don't need anything, I'm glad to know everything's fine at last.", Alyssa said.

Henry was looking at them suspiciously, "Girls, what are you hiding?"

"Nothing.", they said in unison, and giggled promptly.

Henry looked at him with a face that said "Do you know anything about this?"

Charles just shrugged in response.

Earrings POV, 5 minutes ago...

Earrings stood outside the tent, waiting for them to finish. A thousand scenarios were rushing throughout her mind, and all of them were bad. Surprisingly there were no raised voices there inside. If there was, she would have to go in there and break up whatever fight they might have.

Ellie walked out with a small smile on her face.

Earrings rushed up to her, "Ellie? You didn't do anything to Sven?"

Ellie laughed a bit, "No, I shouldn't have acted that way in the Airship. I was out of control, wasn't I? I'm sorry for that, though you might not forgive me for trying to kill your twin brother-"

Earrings hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Sven's condition. I should've acted like a good sister. And it's fine, I understand."

"I think you already are a good sister, the way you defended him. Couldn't imagine a better one, Sabrina. Gotta go, or else Henry might get suspicious."

Earrings giggled, "Alright, see you!"

Ellie walked off, and Earrings wondered why Sven hadn't come out yet. She peeked inside the tent, and saw him sitting, in thought.

"Sven? You okay?"

Sven looked up  at her, "Yes. Better than I've been in a long time."

Earring walked over and sat next to him, "If you feel better, why do you look so down? Är det något fel?

Sven didn't look at her, "Jag vet inte, Sabrina. I still feel weird inside."

"What is it? Something to do with Ellie? Do you still like her?"

Sven shook his head quickly, "Nej-No! I don't like her! She's just...changed a lot. She even knew I had a crush on someone else. The Ellie I knew three years ago wasn't like this."

"People change Sven. And to be honest, your crush on the Depresso Espresso really is obvious. But the point is, it's alright. You've changed a lot as well. All you have to do is forget what happened three years ago. She's forgiven you. Now the last person who has to forgive you is yourself.", Earring said quietly.

Sven looked down in shame, "That's what Ellie said as well...."

"And she's right. You're worth her forgiveness."

Sven inhaled deeply, "Fine. I'll try, You have to help me though." 

Earrings hugged and kissed his cheek, "Of course, Sven."

"And stop kissing me. I'm not a baby."

"And I don't care, you're my twin brother. Should we go find Burt?"

Sven turned pink, "...Maybe?"

Earrings just laughed, and they both walked out together.


Yay, wholesome sibling moments!  Who doesn't love those?

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