Chapter 1: Memories

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In the early hours of morning, Ellie popped her head out of her bedroom door. She looked at the purple clock inside her room. 6:30 AM.

Huh. Guess I'm early again.
She was planning to dig out some snacks from the fridge and maybe watch some TV, or go on her phone. Hey, when you're early, make the most of your time alone.
She was sitting on the sofa, just munching on some Pringle's and looking at the logo.
It looked just like the previous leader of the Toppat Clan. She couldn't tell if that was a coincidence or not.
Her mind drifted to the recent mission she had gone on with Henry and Charles, when they had taken down the Toppat Orbital Station and redirected it to The Wall.

The Wall.
She couldn't help but think about how she got in there. Now that was a terrible time. She had to steal a priceless amethyst just to survive. Stupid boyfriend just straight up tried to kill her for no reason.
But something else was bothering her...
She had had a recent encounter with the new leader of the Toppat Clan, during their mission. She hadn't really looked at his face but his blonde hair seemed...familiar.
His voice sounded familiar too.
Ellie replayed her memory of what he had said before she tackled him.
'What? Who's that?'

'Ugh, if that guy, whoever he is, who I think he is, I'm happy he ended up where he freakin' sent me to.' Ellie said to herself.
'Morning Ell's!'
Huh. I forgot Charles is an early bird as well. Must have something to do with being in the military...
'Morning, Charles!'
Charles' face popped through the living room entrance. As usual, his oversized red headphones were clamped on his head.
'Where's Henry? I thought he'd be with you.'
'Nah, he's not really a morning person.'
'Oh right. The coffee incident. I forgot.'

Ellie chuckled, she remembered that Henry didn't really handle caffeine well.
She was talking with Charles and switched on the TV, just as Henry came in.
'Hey bro.' Charles said
'Morning Henry.' Ellie called
Henry sleepily rubbed his eyes. Definitely not a morning person.
The default news channel was on, a lady with brown hair was giving the early morning update.
'The Toppat Clan has yet again escaped the clutches of the government, making several countries uneasy. Their leader had lead yet another mass escapade from The Wall, making it the second mass breakout this month and on all of the complex's history.
Ellie had stomped her foot in the floor in annoyance.
'I thought we erased that stupid criminal wannabe club from history!'
Charles and Henry looked annoyed and exasperated.
'I think I can expect a message from the General later this morning..',Charles stated.
'Do we really have to go through this all over again?', Henry sounded irritated.
'Shh! She's saying something!'
The news reporter was stating, 'Government authorities state that the leader has been sighted in many small towns, and to keep an eye for any suspicious activity.'
An image of the current Toppat leader appeared with a number below, with blonde hair tumbling into his marshmallow eyes.
Ellie went into shock.
Her fists curled with rage.
She shook with recognition on her face.
I was right...
Henry was looking at her.
She hadn't realized how much emotion she had displayed on her face.
One thing for sure...
She was going to kill this guy in the most gruesome way possible.

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