Chapter 18: Choices and Loved Ones

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Warning: Bad writing.

Charles POV

Charles walked along with Henry and Ellie quietly. He wasn't really concentrating on them at the moment, only on what he had to do in order to complete the mission

Come on Charles. All you gotta do is sabotage the pilot and land it so every Toppat on board can be arrested. Piece of cake right?

He had a bad case of butterflies in his stomach.
'Charles, I think the Bukowski twins caught someone. After we left, I heard a lot of footsteps. Hope they could handle it.'

'Well good for them. Let's hope they're stuck somewhere.'

Henry was quiet as always. Charles guessed he was thinking about his sister. He hoped she'd be here, and nothing happened to her.

The pilot quickened his pace so his job would finish even quicker. Ellie and Henry tried to slow him.

'Charles, what's the rush?! The others could wake up!',Ellie whisper-shouted.

Charles kept on walking, even faster now.

'Ellie, I can hear something...', Henry said quietly.

'Charles, stop!', Ellie yelled.

Too late. A Toppat with a black hat and orange headphones jammed through them (somehow) with a mug of coffee, appeared around the far corner.

The three of them stopped in their tracks.

The Toppat looked up at them and registered them slowly, then kept his mug in the floor.

'I didn't expect you three to come back. Guess I have to deal with all of you pests.'

'Charles, run!', Ellie yelled.

'Wha- Okay!'

Charles took off running and the Toppat followed from behind. He didn't dare look behind, just ran in a random direction, and hoped that he could get away.

A heavy thud on the ground told him that Henry and Ellie had tackled him. Good, now just to do his job.

Ellie POV

After the Toppat had started chasing Charles, she and Henry had managed to catch up and tackle him.

It wasn't easy holding him down, and he was making a heck of a commotion.

'Shut him up, someone could hear him!'

'I don't have a piece of cloth, cover his mouth, Ellie!'

She tried to suppress the noise by doing just that, but a few other Toppats had heard them now.

'What's going on?'

'Who makes a ruckus at night? Is the government here?'

Ellie and Henry looked at each other, they knew that they weren't going to be able to hold them off, just the two of them, even though they had done it before.

'Wait, the government got Burt!'

A woman with sleek black hair from afar pointed at them.

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