Chapter 3: Recruitment

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Alyssa woke up with a blinding light covering her face. A sudden intense pain came from the side of her head.
She suddenly remembered everything that had happened last night, the group of underaged idiots, the Swedish blondie, and the trash lid hitting her head.
'Hey! She's waking up!'
She fully opened her eyes and saw that there were some people around her bed, looking at her with concern.
And all wearing top hats.
'Oh my god, Sven, is she okay?!'
A man with a double top hat and a curly sorta moustache spoke in a dramatic tone.
She spoke up, 'No worries, calm down..'
'She's alive.', another monotone voice sounded.
She looked to the right to see a tall man with a black top hat and an orange headset somehow jammed in it, having a bored expression. 'Why am I here again? Why was she brought here in the first place?'
'Because you're the only one here who knows how to deal with head injuries, Burt. She needed help, badly.', a familiar voice said.
'Yeah, after you knocked me out with a trash can lid, Swedish blondie.', Alyssa said.
The blonde person's shoulders tensed, 'Its Sven Svensson to you, missy, and I saved your life, if you don't remember.'
Alyssa pouted, 'I had it under control..'
The person named Burt spoke up, 'Well, if you had it under control you wouldn't be here, in the Toppat Clan of all places!'
Alyssa twirled her impossibly black hair and looked up with her intense blue eyes.
'Wait, you're the Toppat Clan? I've heard about you! You're the reason I ran away from home!'
The man wearing a double top hat said, 'Yes, and you happened to be saved by the leader himself...and you ran away to look for us?'
Her blue eyes turned away.
'Well...I didn't really have much of a good life back there and...I'm sort of a kleptomaniac-'
An excited gasp followed this statement.
You've come to the right place! We have so much to do! We have to train you, and find you a bunk mate and-'
'Geez, Reginald, calm down. She's still didn't make a decision, give her some time.' Burt said.
Alyssa got up quickly and spoke, 'I made my decision when I left home, I want to join. Is there any requirements or conditions or-?'
Sven spoke, 'Well, the only thing is, if you want to start going on heists, you gotta be above 18. Also, take it easy. You need rest.'
The little girl locked eyes with him, 'You will let me do those, no matter my age.'
Sven was mesmerized by her sapphire eyes, and started speaking in broken sentences.
'W-well, I could, I felt, I mean, well maybe we could bend the rules a bit-.'
'Sven, snap out of it. She's trying to manipulate you.', Burt said. 'You are a little girl, still underage and we will not be bending the rules for any of you.'
Alyssa tried locking eyes with him just to try her little mind trick of hers on Burt.
'Who are you to try and stop me? I am skilled in combat and I've been pickpocketing for years now!'
He moved towards Alyssa still in eye contact.
'For your information, little missy, I am the head of the Communications Centre so I do have a lot of power to decide whether you join or not. Also, says the one who got saved by the one who couldn't even handle a single punch thrown by a scrawny government soldier. You never said if you were caught pickpocketing.'
Alyssa was caught. Her trick hadn't worked. But how? Not even her brother could fight against it.
Her brother.
She had forgotten the real reason of leaving home.
That life was too much for her to absorb and let it all go.
She had only one good decision ahead of her.
'Okay. I'll join anyways. There's still something I can do to help right?'
Reginald whistled with excitement, 'Yes there is! But first we have so much to do! We have to register you, and find you a room, and also assign you a task and-!'
He skipped out of the room in excitement.
Sven sighed. 'Burt, make sure he doesn't pass out from over excitement. He's been so bubbly lately. And you, Alyssa, we need to get some stuff done before you're an official member.
Alyssa exhaled In happiness. She was going to be a Toppat member!
'Of course, Sven. When do we start?'

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