Dean shut the door, hurrying towards you and sitting by your knees, quickly pulling your hands from your chest. "Y/N, hey, what's wrong?"

"There was a nurse in here." You said.

Dean put his hands on either side of your head, petting your hair down. "You're okay, I've got you. . . You never told me you were scared of hospitals Y/N."

"No, I'm not, Dean-" You stopped yourself, the nurse from before standing behind Dean, eyes trained on where his hands were on your head.

Your body shook, fear making your blood run cold. What the hell? "Dean. Dean, Dean-"

Dean hushed you, pulling you to him, holding you against his chest, an arm around your waist and the other petting your hair.

"Y/N, you're okay, I promise. What's going on?" Dean's voice was quiet and soothing, but did nothing to rid the fear that was coursing through you as you stared the man behind him down.

"Man." You managed to get out around your closing throat. Dean pulled you back, brows furrowed as he searched your face, following your gaze.

"What are you looking at?"

Your eyes grew wide. "You don't see him? The nurse!"

Tears brimmed your eyes and you looked down, beginning to try and tug your IV out.

"Hey! Hey, Y/N, stop." Dean quickly grabbed your hands. "Don't pull that out!"

"Please get me out of here." You clutched Dean's shirt, reduced to begging from the fear in your body.

When Dean turned again to see if anyone was there, the man disappeared, and so did some of the fear, though not all of it.

"What's going on with you?"

You shook your head, mind running trying to figure this out. You had never been scared of hospitals before, and you weren't scared of anything related to the medical field.

Dean sighed, scooting his way into the bed and pulling you into his lap sideways, holding across your thighs and the other along your back, your head against his chest. "I've got you, don't worry."


"Dean, what is going on?" Sam snapped in a hushed tone. "I don't like her/him acting like this, if s/he's scared we need to get her/him comfortable, s/he's not going to heal when s/he's uncomfortable and terrified."

"I'm not taking her/him out of here Sam." Dean's voice was stern. "I'm not putting her/him in more danger by not being able to defend her/himself because s/he's hurt."

"Dean, come on. You know better than this."

"Sam, stop pushing, this is bigger than fear."

"Yeah? Then what is it Dean? What is so important to you that you can't get her/him out of here?"

"Guys?" You sat up, mind groggy and voice hoarse. "You know I can hear you?"

Sam cringed and Dean sighed. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you Y/N."

You rubbed your sleepy eyes. "Why are you all arguing about me?"

The boys looked at each other before looking back to you, Sam answering. "Just. . . Trying to decide whether we're leaving or not."

"We're not." Dean added quickly. "Not until you're better."

Sam huffed, grumbling under his breath and you frowned at both of them. "Since when do I not get a say in something about me?"

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