Chapter-6: The dream encounter and return of old friends

Start from the beginning

Me:" What are those?" I asked him.

Arceus:' Aura vision means you can sense your surroundings with aura and many more things you can do but you have to find out. Aura pocket dimension means it's a demension of your own you can store anything in that dimension so you don't have to use your bag while traveling and how to use is simple you have to focus your aura around the thing that you want to store and it goes to your pocket dimension and when you want it you have to imagine that thing and snap your fingers and it appears in your hands. Telepathy means you can talk to anyone only the person or Pokémon you want to talk can hear you. Teleportation means you and anyone you wants teleport to the places you have been before but they have contact with you but be careful using teleportation can drain energy rapidly for the beginners but after mastered it you can use it more frequently and I also gives you a physical boost now you can run faster and endure the attacks from your Pokemons and also your body changes a bit.' He explained to me and I nodded my head.

Me:" Anything else you want to discuss with me Arceus." I asked him.

Arceus:' Yeah before you continue your journey to a new region I want you to travel around the regions you have been before for a year and train yourself and your Pokemon and catch some new Pokemon and also you can sense megastones with your aura and some of the legendary and mythical Pokemons wants to join your team and it is also a reason for your journey. So what do you say ash?' He asked me.

Me:" Sure I don't mind. So is that all or anything else." I asked him.

Arceus:' Before you go take this with you * a keystone appears infront of me * to mega evolve your Pokemon and find the megastones yourself.' He said to me and I nodded.

Me:" Thank you for everything you have done for me Arceus." I said to him and bowed.

Arceus:' Don't worry about it choosen one and train hard archive your goal. You have my blessings and farewell until we meet again.' He said to me.

Me:" Goodbye Arceus until we meet again." I also said to him.

     Suddenly I starts losing my consciousness and few more seconds later I completely lose my consciousness and everything went black.

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End of the Ash's dream

ash's (p.o.v.)

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     When I opened my eyes I'm on my bed in my room along with pikachu and Eevee. They both are sleeping peacefully so I left them on my bed and make my way towards bathroom to continue my daily routine and return to my room with only a towel around my waist. I can feel that I gain some muscles and my body became more toned and now I have a six pack and my old outfit barely fits me. So I take a new outfit which I brought in hoenn region when we went on a shopping spree. I looked at time it's 8:30 a.m. I have something to do before I meet chole and goh. So I decided to wake pikachu and Eevee up.

Me:" Hey pikachu, Eevee wake up its morning." I said to them while shakes them up a bit. After sometime they wake up and stretches a bit to free their muscles.

Pikachu:' Goodmorning ash.' He said to me still sleepy.

Eevee:' Yeah Goodmorning.' He also said to me.

Me:" Goodmorning you two. Now get up and let's go down stairs breakfast will be prepared by now." I said to them.

     After that we three went to kitchen and see breakfast on the table but mom not in the kitchen makes me confused and then I see mom's mr.mime is cleaning the living room. so I went towards him.

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