nicknames- chapter one

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I rushed around my room trying to get ready,

“Andy, hurry the fuck up!!” my best friend Purdy shouted. She wasn’t actually called Purdy and im not called Andy, those are just nicknames that we have for each other, and you’re probably going to need me to explain why right??...

Well both Krissie (Purdy’s actual name) and I are massive fans of black veil brides; to be honest I don’t think I would be alive today without their music keeping me sane!! But that’s a story for another day, anyway... Anyway krissie thinks that Andy Biersack and myself have the same personality! She says im the female version of him because we both have blue eyes, we are both pale, both tall and both extremely sarcastic all the time! So she just started calling me Andy one day and it stuck.

I call krissie Purdy because I think both her and Ashley Purdy are practically identical to each other in temperament as they are both dirty minded and always talk about sex (krissie doesn’t ‘get around’ or anything, it’s just her humour) and before she died it they both used to have practically an identical hair cut!!

So that’s now we got our nicknames, what’s my real name then? My name is Rickie Greene and im 21 years old (I know my name is kind of a boy’s name but I can’t change it, no matter how much I had wished I could when I was in school.

“alright im nearly ready” I lied as I began straightening my pale brown hair, I’d always wanted to have my hair a wacky colour just like krissie but I have never been brave enough! When I was happy with my hair I went over to my wardrobe and picked out my outfit, I eventually settled for a red and black tartan Minnie skirt that had chains attached to the belt, I then picked out a long sleeve black top, some thick black tights and my military boots.  I applied a small amount of foundation and some heavy black eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara. I walked over to the mirror to give myself one final check; I actually didn’t look too bad!

“ANDY!!! Don’t make me come up there!!” krissie shouted to me again.

I pulled my sleeve over my scared wrist, grabbed my leather jacket along with a photo of black veil brides and a black sharpie marker before I ran down the stairs of my house to her.

“Alright, alright im coming!” shouted back as I ran

She looked amazing as usual, she had gone for the full fan girl look with red jeans, a BVB top and jacket and studded military boots, and her black hair was streaked with purple and lay teased down her back. She was covered in war paint with three lines painted down her neck that Ashley had and Andy’s signature line going across her face. Her dark eye makeup seemed to make her green eyes pop! And the deep purple lipstick added an emo twist to her look… all of a sudden; standing next to her I didn’t look too good!!

“Andy guess what?!” she screamed

“What?!” I asked, slightly worried

“We are going to watch black veil brides!!”

“Fuck you Purdy! I thought there was something wrong!”

“Sorry, im just really excited” she said, emphasizing the ‘really’.  

“So am I” I squealed

we both held hands and began to jump up and down screaming and having a total fan girl moment. That’s when Krissie grabbed my wrist, pulled my sleeve up and began to examine my arm, on which the scars and cuts were clearly visible against my pale skin. I quickly pulled my arm away and covered it with my sleeve again.

“Rickie… I thought you stopped?” she said, her eyes now filled with sadness

“Im trying, it’s just hard” I replied keeping my eyes on the floor so I wouldn’t have to look in to her big sad eyes again.

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