Chapter 1

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:::Reefside high school November 1st 2013:::
John and his friends were sitting in the school cafeteria waiting for their friend Ariel to come. "So John, how's everything going with Ariel?" Joe asked. "Everything is going great. So, what are you guys doing after school today?" John said. "You know what, we haven't thought about that." Ryan said. Then it was time to go to their first class of the day. While walking down the hallway they hear a girl screaming in pain and the sound of her body hitting a locker. "So when are you going to realize that I'm the alpha of the pack!?" Alyssa said. "You don't have a pack, remember!?" I yelled back. Alyssa hit me against a locker again just as John came around the corner with Joe, Ryan, and George. George pulled Alyssa away from me while John went to go check on me. "What the fuck is wrong with you girl, beating up your friend like that!" George said. Alyssa pushed him off of her and kicked him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. John got in between them. "He is right, what the fuck girl?" John said. Alyssa looked at me then at John. "You want to protect the little bitch, so be it." Alyssa said. John reached back to punch Alyssa only to be stopped by George. "She's not worth getting suspended over John." George said. John lowered his fist. "You're right George, I'll just tell Dr. Oliver what she did." John said. Alyssa laughed. "Do you really think that Dr. Oliver is going to listen to the little freshmen over a sophomore? You're funny Mitton. Funny and pathetic, just like your detective skills." Alyssa said while John went back over to me to make sure that I was okay. Joe just stood there and looked at Alyssa. "What's your deal girl? Why are you hitting your friend like that?" Joe said. Alyssa scoffed. "That thing is not my friend. She has been keeping secrets from me." Alyssa said. Then she walked over to where I am and kicked me in the stomach. Then John stood up. He could not hold back any longer. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" John yelled before punching her. The punch was so hard that it sent Alyssa to the ground. Then Mr. Ceh (aka: the dean of students) came around the corner to see what was going on. "Mr. Mitton, what is the meaning of this?" Mr. Ceh said. "Mr. Ceh, Alyssa was beating up Ariel." John said. "Very well Mr. Mitton. You will only have detention for the last two days of this week." Mr. Ceh said to John's surprise. Alyssa got up. "Detention, that means you won't be at the next staff meeting." Alyssa said. Mr. Ceh turned to Alyssa. "Ms. Smith, you will face a expulsion hearing if this keeps up. You are forbidden from participating in any school clubs for the next two meetings and you will be suspended from this school for the next five." Mr. Ceh said. Then he walked away. John and his friends walk to science class with me. "Are you okay?" John asked. "Yeah, thanks for coming to stand up for me." I said. "No problem, I care about you a lot. I don't like seeing you get hurt." John said. We walk into science class and took a seat at our science table. Then we heard the door open and Dr. Oliver walked in with a TV. "Okay class, today we are going to be watching the dinosaurs episode of Bill Nye the science guy." Tommy said.

Later that day at lunchtime I sat with my friends and my boyfriend. "So, if you guys were dinosaurs what kind of dinosaur would you guys be?" I asked. "I would be a tyranosauras rex." Ryan said. "That's a very ferocious dinosaur." John said. "Yeah, I would be a triceratops." Joe said. "I would be a stegasourous." John said. "Cool." I said. "What dinosaur would you be Ariel?" George asked. "I don't know. Maybe a pterodactyl or a dragorex." I said. "Is a dragorex even a real dinosaur?" John asked. "I looked that up on goggle and goggle said that it was." I said. "Well, I don't know what dinosaur I would be." George said. "Well, there's a lot of dinosaurs that once roamed the earth, way before humans came along." I said. "Well, here's what kind of dinosaur that I think you would be." Joe said while showing George a picture of a brontosaurus. "Wow, that's a cool dinosaur." George said. After school John and I were talking as we were walking home. "So, let me get this straight, you work in the office two days a week and you work as a detective for the police department the whole week." I said. "Yeah, that's basically it." John said. "Wow, you must be really busy." I said. "I work in the office during school hours. It's only on Thursdays and Fridays." John said. "Okay, so, are you going to go to work when we get home?" I asked. "Yeah but, I have some homework that I need to do." John said. "You can do it when you get home from work." I said. "Okay." John said. When we got home John got his uniform on and went to work. The next morning Alyssa bumped into me on purpose while she was walking to her history class. I was on my way to science class. When I got there I noticed that Tommy was looking through some stuff. "Dr. Oliver, can I ask you something?" I asked. "Yeah, what's going on?" Tommy said while turning his gaze to me. "Can I go talk to Mr. Ceh?" I asked. "About what?" Tommy asked. "It's about what happened between me and Alyssa." I said. "Okay. Go ahead." Tommy said. After school as John and I were walking home tyranodrones showed up. It was two days ago since we found two out of the five dino gems. John had the blue dino gem and it gave him the ability to harden his skin. I had the red dino gem but I have three abilities. The super speed came from the gem. I can also use camouflage and a sonic scream that sounds like a pterodactyl. We started to run away when I tripped and fell. I screamed but it sounded like a pterodactyl roar and it made John cover his ears. He went to go help me up. "What was that?" John asked. "To be honest, I have no idea." I said. We ended up fighting off the tyranodrones. "What do you think that was about?" John asked. "If I had to guess, Mesagog must have returned, and I bet he still wants the dino gems. The thing is that if Mesagog finds them he'll return the world to it prehistoric roots, which can be pretty bad for us." I said. "Well then, we have to find the rest of them before Mesagog does." John said. "Exactly. But we have to be quick. The more time we waste doing other things the better chance that Mesagog has of finding the rest of the dino gems." I said. "I'll text our friends and let them know." John said. Then he texted them, telling them the situation. A few minutes later they texted back saying that they can start looking for them. "We should probably meet up with them. They could use our help." I said. "How do you know that?" John asked. "When I was younger, I helped the mighty morphin power rangers in Angel Grove. When there was a spot they could not get into they sent me in to do what needed to be done. I probably never have any chance of fitting into those places again." I said. Then we met with our friends at the cafe and we went out to find the rest of the dino gems.

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