08 - ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀʀ

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"And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone~" Kuroo sings.

"Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me~" Bokuto adds along, placing his hand to his heart. "Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street..."

It was only for a few seconds that you enjoyed the silence in the car. Because ever since Bokuto began driving, Kuroo has been playing songs nonstop. Making Bokuto sing to every one and Kuroo later joining in with him.

"RED LIGHTS! STOP SIGNS-!" They sing in unison.

You jump from their sudden outburst, and by how loud they were singing-more like screaming. They sounded like dying hyenas. You pull out your phone as they continue to pretend sob and yell to the lyrics of the song.

Pressing the 'record' button, you take a video of them having their bromance together. You kept laughing at how dramatic they were being every time they sung to the lyrics. Bokuto was really good at his acting skills, too good.

"B..Bokuto?" You raised your voice, so they could hear you.

Kuroo turned around since he heard you talk, which brought his attention. He glances at Bokuto who was still singing...but tears left his eyes. "BRO?"

"And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay no that I'm gone..." Bokuto sobs, swallowing the lump in his throat that was beginning to form.

Kuroo quickly sits up and skips the song, "Okay, we're done for sad songs. They're making my bro way too emotional."

"Gosh, that songs hits home. Got me right in the feels." Bokuto holds his hand up clenching his fist. "Put on some Doja Cat...or NICKI MINAJ!!!"

You smile by how quickly he changed his attitude. Happy Bokuto is the best Bokuto.

"My anaconda don't-"

"No." Kuroo mutters as he skips the song on his phone. You burst out laughing, Bokuto looking up at the rear view mirror seeing you with a genuine smile. It made him smile because your emotions had such an effect on him.

"You should smile more, Y/n." Bokuto says, looking at you then to the road as he pulls up to the gas station. "You might think that you look ugly when you smile, but trust me when I say this." He parks the car and unbuckles his seatbelt turning around to look at you. "You look amazing when you smile."

He left you speechless, literally. Whatever this boy said to you, impacted you so much. He could take your biggest insecurities and reassure you that they could be the most loveliest thing about you. Feeling overwhelmed by his soft stare, you look down on your lap to hide the immense heat forming in your cheeks.

Feeling like the thirdwheel, Kuroo unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the passenger door to leave the car. "I'm gonna go get some snacks. You guys want anything?"

Bokuto shakes his head to the side, indicating that he didn't want anything. Kuroo looks at you, "Y/n, want anything? Chips, sodas, water?"

Still facing your lap, you shake your head 'no'. "Aright," Kuroo says, closing the door and walks inside the convenience store.

Once Kuroo had shut the door, the car was silent. Bokuto would occasionally glance at you from the rear view mirror. He saw that you were still focused on your lap. He was slowly starting to regret saying those things in fear of making you feel uncomfortable. He was about to cut the silence when a song interrupted.

It wasn't an ordinary song. As if it wasn't awkward already, a more...lets say....

Intimate one, decided to come on when Bokuto least expected it.

"You make it look like its magic..."

"Cause I see nobody, nobody, but you, you, you..."

Bokuto was most likely shitting his pants right now. "Gosh dammit it, Kuroo!" He whined, the thought of Kuroo running off with his phone. Knowing that this song would come on, Kuroo ran of just to embarrass his friend in front of his sister, especially alone.

Not fazed by the song, you casually scroll through your phone. Bokuto exhales softly, relieved that you didn't know how intimate the song sounded.

"Have you heard this song before, Y/n?" Bokuto asks, trying to ignore the lyrics. Although Kuroo had his phone to control when to skip the songs, Bokuto could easily turn the volume down. Yet, he didn't want to for sum reason.

"Um..." You mutter, talking for the first time in ten minutes. "I have...but I tend to ignore the meaning behind the song...and where it came from."

Bokuto widens his eyes, "So you've seen the movie?"

You bring your knees up to your chest in a seating position, shoving your phone into your face to avoid his eyes staring into you. "Maybe..." You whisper quietly. However, Bokuto managed to hear it, and looks away. A light pink blush forming in his cheeks. He brings his right hand up to cover his face looking out the window, realizing that Kuroo was on his way.

Kuroo opens the door and jumps in with a plastic bag, "I'm back!" Nobody greeted him back so he looked between you and Bokuto. He noticed you covering your face with your knees, as for Bokuto he was still looking out the window with his hand covering half of his face.

"The hell? What happened while I was gone?" Kuroo asks. He takes a closer look at Bokuto's reflection in the window and softly gasps, "Bro...are you blushing?!"

"N...no!" Bokuto mutters, his face turning more red than it was already before.

"Let me find out..." Kuroo narrows his eyes at his friend. "Oh who am I kidding? You wouldn't do something even if you tried!" He laughs, getting out the chips he bought from the bag.

"That's not nice." Bokuto pouts as he turns to face Kuroo. He gets ready to start the car, feeling more calmer now. "Alright, let's head out."

"Where are we going, again?" You ask, letting go of your knees to talk to your brother.

"The mall!" He answers smiling.

You look at the stuff he bought and furrow your eyebrows in confusion, "Then what was the point in going to the gas station to buy that, when we could've easily gone to the mall to get those things?!"

Kuroo stays silent and smiles to himself, "I wanted to see what you two would do if I left ya'll alone..."


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