05 - sᴜʀᴇ

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"Can I get your number? Bokuto has been begging me nonstop to ask you for it." Akaashi says snitching his friend out to you.

"..huh?" You whisper. Who's Bokuto again? You place your finger against your chin, thinking of who this Bokuto person was. You bite your lip, "Is it that boy who has weird hair?" You thought. "B..Bokuto? Wants my...number?" You asked Akaashi.

He nods and gives you his phone, waiting for you to give him your number. You tilt your head in confusion and then gasp as you realize what you had to do, "uh, sure!" You dial in your number, putting yourself as a new contact to his phone. You hand Akaashi his phone back, and smile at him. "You can keep my number in your phone as well, I don't mind!" You nervously rub your neck. "...did you really run all the way here to ask for my number?"

Akaashi smiles, "yeah, if I hadn't then Bokuto would be pouting on the way back home." He turns his head, looking back to where Bokuto was nervously pacing back and forth biting his nails. "Speaking of Bokuto, I think he might have a liking towards you."

You widen your eyes as you felt your face heat up, "w..what!? Me?! N..no! You must be joking!"

He shakes his head, "Believe it or not, ever since we've arrived, Bokuto was the first to spot you on the bleachers. He wouldn't shut up about how pretty you looked..."

"Wow! He's very straightforward!!" You screamed in your head. Your face was burning so much, you felt the need to pass out. You couldn't control your breathing. No one has ever asked for your number like this before, so of course you would be surprised.

Seeing how nervous you looked, Akaashi widens his eyes and changes the topic, not knowing that it was affecting you this much, "Anyway I should probably get going. I'm sorry for wasting your time." He bows, and thanks you for giving him your number.

You bow back and look up at him, "It's not a problem, really! I..I wasn't expecting you that's all."

Akaashi smiles and waves, walking back to his best friend who was jumping around excitedly as he took notice of Akaashi returning back. You laugh at how cute Bokuto looked so happily. You then turn around to finally catch up with your brother.

"Tetsuro!!" You yell in attempt to grab his attention. Both him and Kenma turn around, well if you could even call Kenma bothering to turn around to face you. He was too busy playing on his psp. Kuroo stops and waits for you to walk next to him.

Once you finally caught up to him, he smirks at you, "so..what did Akaashi want, that was so important to keep me waiting..?"

You roll your eyes and look down on the concrete sidewalk, "...Bokuto had asked him to get my phone number." You smile in thought as you recall the events that occurred.

Little did you know, Kuroo heard everything. Meaning he was not too far away to hear the conversation between you and Akaashi. He would occasionally smile as you stuttered every sentence to Akaashi. He didn't know he was that close to overhear your conversation, guess it was a coincidence.

Kuroo smiles in thought, "Did you accept Bokuto's request?" He glances down at your figure, observing how nervous you might have felt when Akaashi asked you such thing. Even though he knew the answer already, he still wants to hear it from you.

"Don't talk like that you weirdo," you pout. You turn on your phone and check your notifications. "I did give Akaashi my number." You say, then debate on whether or not to tell Kuroo about what Bokuto thought of you. You didn't want to embarrass yourself, so you tell your brother that it was all.

However, Kuroo already knew the events that had occurred. He only wanted to see if you trust him enough to tell him. Kuroo was a bit upset since you didn't mention anything about Bokuto complimenting you. Although, it did surprise him how Bokuto was so gentle and patient towards you back in the gym. He never knew his best friend could be so careful when speaking to you. Kuroo has never told Bokuto about having a little sister, afraid of having you attack him and be angry at him for bringing attention towards you. I guess that's why Bokuto got mixed up between you and Kuroo. Which was funny to think about.

Kuroo softly smiles at you, ruffling your hair. "You know, there's no need to keep secrets away from me. But, I'll respect your privacy!"

You blush from embarrassment, and decide to walk in front of Kuroo where Kenma was currently at. You didn't want to face your brother after what he just said, so of course you wanted to avoid him at all costs. Walking next to Kenma, you would glance down at the game he was playing with. His thumbs were pressing hard against the buttons, his face contorted with concentration.

You smile as you start reminiscing the times where you and Kenma would sleepover and stay up until four in the morning playing video games. Kuroo would often wake up by the yells of rage and frustration from the both of you. Your brother would walk in the room angry and take away the game, leaving you and Kenma pouting angrily.

Unconsciously, you begin to laugh. Kenma raises an eyebrow as he glances up at you, "What's so funny.?" Not wanting to lose, he focuses his attention back to his game, waiting for you to respond to his question.

"...nothing, I thought of something funny that's why," You smile and stare at the sunset in front of you. Kenma ignores you and thought you were probably on something.

Meanwhile behind you, hands in his pockets, Kuroo is deep in thought. He starts thinking of the way your relationship with Bokuto might progress. He wants to help you be more social. Turns out, his best friend is already helping him with that. He's glad to have someone like Bokuto. Without him, you wouldn't have had the chance to talk with two strangers you've just met. He's proud of the way your slowly progressing.

"Oi you two, walk faster! Or I'm taking away your game, Kenma." Kuroo says smirking evilly. Kenma flinched and begins to walk quickly, in fear of getting his console taken away.

You roll your eyes and continue walking. Your house was almost coming into your sight of vision. "You're the slow one, Tetsu..."



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