Important Update!

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Hello readers!

As some of you might now, this book started as a collaboration project between two author friends: Jyvur Entropy and Emily Hurricane.

We were writing in dual-POV format and readers had to alternate between each profile. It went one chapter on one author profile and one chapter on the other author's profile.

We've decided that neither of us has the time to really dedicate to a true collaboration. There's so much coordination that entails as far as plotting and planning what will go in each chapter. Eventually our characters were going to meet and their stories would have been intertwined. But since we both have such different schedules and didn't really consider how much time co-planning this would require, we've realized it's better to split the books into two separate projects.

We will each write/update when our schedules allow. The characters still exist in the same world, dealing with the same events. So we will likely coordinate for big world event planning. But our characters will not meet, so each book can be read as a standalone.

Thank you for bearing with us while we figure this out! We hope many of you will continue to read both books and get something a little different out of both.

We love our readers!

-Emily and Jyvur

Content Warning: The Jess's Story version on Jyvur's profile includes several sensitive and potentially trigger topics. These include mental illness, graphic thoughts of suicide, mass shootings, and child abuse. 

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