Chapter 5: Flashback part 4

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A/N: Hey my dear readers I'm back with a new chapter! It's been some weeks ago since I've updated for you all. I had a great long weekend and I spend most of the time writing stuffs and I hope that I can write it down in to this story, but we will see.   

👇I really appreciate if you comment down below, because I really love to read what you all think about this story/chapter. 👇

Disclaimer: I don't own DisneyXD's Kickin'It or the things I forgot!

Enjoy reading

Chapter 5:

I stopped walking and looked around.
There were alot off kids playing here, some were playing with their dog, sitting on the swing, and some
were playing tag.
The air filled with happy screams, laughing and calling.
Parents were chatting with each-other or looked around what their kids were doing and some of them were holding their kids arms so they wouldn't fall in the water.

“You will never get me!” a brown haired guy called.
He ran around and a blond haired girl chased him.
The little guy ran two times around me.
And so did the little girl.

I didn't had a problem with that, I smiled about that.
The two kids ran over to the other field.
Till the little dude falls, and the girl poked his head and yelled happy.
“BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE BOOM!” I smiled about that.
The guy stood up and said “Please don’t boom me when old kids and parents are looking…”
His cheeks turned bright red.
That guy was a little embarrassed, because his friend boomed him.

Wow, I just realized that these little kids are a mini version of me and Jack.
That brought old memories back.
When he had his karate match and I boomed him and Jack told me not to boom him, because peoples were looking… 
And also on that day Lorie was there too, with a stupid sign saying "I Love you Jack"
Maybe that's when I started to get jealous.

Lucky for Jack he won the match and I ran to Jack and hugged him.
It was maybe a little bit too long, but hey I had some feelings for him.
I also remembered that Joan, told me that I always can go to her for advice.

I shook my head and I continued walking.
When I saw Jack comming to me.
Sadly for me Jack catches me, by grabbing my arm.
It stopped both of us from walking.

“Let me go, Jack” I told him.
“Kim, let me explain what happened.” Jack told me.
I didn’t gave him permission and said again “Let me go Jack”
Jack let my arm go, and I sighed.
“Kim why did you run out the dojo?” He asked me.
“You know why I ran out Jack.” I snapped at him.
“Kim, there is no reason to snap at me.” Jack told me nicely.

“Jack, it feels like that you cheated on me” I told him.
I couldn’t look him in the eyes.
“Only because of the kiss?” Jack asked me.
I shook my head disagreeing with what he said.
“You were holding her, but didn’t pushed her away” I said sad.

I know I sound pretty overdramatic in some way, but I can not control my feelings now.
Jack sighed and started to say “I did pushed her away, but…”
I turned away from him. I didn't want to face him.
“I saw you didn’t so why should I believe in what you say!” I rudely interrupted him.
Jack was facing me now.
“Gosh, Kim you are so irritating and hard to keep control if you are jealous!” Jack told me mad.

“Me jealous!?” I asked him, my voice raised up and Jack nodded.
“I’m not jealous!” I snapped at him.
“You totally are, Kim” Jack told me.
I just rolled my eyes and Jack said “I know when you are jealous”
“Just leave me alone” I told him.
I could break down every second.

“Kim-” I didn’t let him finish what he was trying to say to me.
 I said “If you won’t leave then I’ll”
“Kim don’t be ridiculous” Jack told me.
“You aren’t the boss off me!” I yelled at him.
“Is this how you want to spend our anniversary?” Jack asked mad.
 He was crossing his arms now.

I shook my head and let my tears fall and I cranked out the words “I don’t know if we have an anniversary”
I didn’t faced him, I know he’s furious right now.
“Are you freaking serious!?” Jack yelled at me.
“You don’t know how hard it is for me to date you!” I snapped at him.

I took a breath and yelled “Every girl in our school is drooling over you!”
Jack wide his eyes .
“Drooling over me! Have you seen how the guys in our school are looking at you!?”
Jack yelled at me.
I nodded and said “Yes I noticed it, but I didn’t kissed them!”
And that’s when I ran away and ended up the park and sat on the bench nearby the lake bawling my eyes out.   

End flashback

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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