The Cold Within

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/frɛnd/ (n)
-one who listens, doesn't judge, and somehow makes everything alright.


"I hate you! For being so much all the time! Trying to control everything on my life! Who the hell do you think you are?"-The older boy who at the moment was anger heated and fuming said from the other end of the kitchen, his eyes holding back a considerable amount of shiny tears that he refused to let go.

The younger man felt his heart shrink at the words of his best friend, but it didn't stop him from continuing the argument that started so unexpectedly between the two.-"You are being reckless. He's going to play with your heart, he's just another man, you don't have to follow him around all the time, you barely even spent anytime with me anymore. Why don't you just listen to me for once and stop being so stubborn?"

"I always listen to you. Where did that bring us Harry? Nowhere! I'm giving my dating life another shot, why should this bother you so much?"-The oldest said and threw his hands on the air, like a child throwing tantrums to his care-taker. Expect Harry wasn't his babysitter, and he shouldn't be acting like one.

"Can you just grow up for a second and open your fucking eyes. He's just playing you Louis. Persuading you into a relationship so fast. You deserve better than that. Just stop being such a child for once and listen Louis."-Harry said his name coming strange on his tongue, he's always used to calling him by nickname, with a hint of caress, hint of loving, like Lou, or just Boo, but this...this is different, his full name felt strange, even so difficult to spell when his heart just wished for all this pointless argument to end with no residue.

"I'm grown up. I know what I choose. He's a good person and I'm giving dating a chance again. It's not a relationship yet. At least I know as much as to try and settle down and think of a stable future and not get a new one night stands every night, like you do!"-Louis threw the words without knowing it was a low blow, but it had slipped his tongue and there was no taking back once the words left his tongue, he didn't mean to bring up such conversations, when they hadn't had time to sit down and talk about it yet.

Seemingly from the hurt look on Harry's eyes, that could describe it perfectly, it was something he didn't expect from his best friend to say.-"-you know that's not true Lou..."-He said his eyes softening as he toyed to catch a glimpse of the ocean blue ones, a hint that he didn't mean it, a hint of regret, a hint of sorriness, that he didn't think that of him, he didn't even look at him properly.

Louis didn't respond looking down at his feet ignoring the younger boys hurt look from across the kitchen, wishing the green tiles of the kitchen could open up for him to sink within them. He hadn't meant it to come out like that, or in any way. Not now, not like this. Now when they where talking about his date-life. One that was going downhill because of Louis' closed up behaviour, one he's been trying to change for decades.

"Right Louis? That's what you actually think of me?"-Harry asked again louder, this time getting closer to Louis who made a unconscious step back, no answer coming out of his mouth.

"You are always busy with some chick, what else am I left to think? I'm not stupid Harry, nor am I clueless. You've always been a magnet to people, don't deny that you're attractive."-Louis said rolling his eyes as he thought of all those times Harry would leave after a sudden phone call with the name of a new girl on display, never the same names, never the same people that came to their doorstep to ask for him, girls would knock on the door, sometimes blonde, sometimes brunette, one time even one of elderly age. Asking for Harry, and than Harry would leave in a hurry, giving him an apologetic look, like he knew he was hiding something, but he never gave a reason.

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