2.0 || Returned Friend. ||

Start from the beginning


Kakoyin was laid and you sat on your knees beside him.
Joseph analyzed the boy before speaking. "It doesn't look good, it's too late. We can't save him. I give him a few days."

Your eyes widened, "What?"

"Y/n you mentioned his way of acting before, do you know why he chose to obey Dio, even to kill?" Joesph lifted up Kakoyin's bangs.
"The culprit is here!"
The flesh bud stood tall and proud.

You covered your mouth with one hand nauseous at the sight.

"What the hell? That wriggling piece of flesh looks like a spider."

"This nasty ass thing really made him become Dio's minion?"

"It's a 'flesh bud' made of Dio's own cells. And it extends all the way to the young man's brain. This modest-sized flesh bud exerts power over his entire psyche." Avdol started to explain.

"In other words the flesh bud functions to elicit emotion, like an antenna that channels..Dio's charisma! The kind of charisma that drives a man to follow a dictator. To put his faith into a nefarious cult leader." Joseph spoke and pointed at Kakyoin.
"This boy idolized Dio and swore his loyalty to him in the process!"

You would've snorted at this sort of talk if you saw it on television, but now that it's completely real you were sitting in subtle shock.

"Dio uses his charisma, his intoxicating charm to overwhelm and control."

You crossed your arms."Can't we just cut him open and take it out?"

"The brain is too delicate. If he so much as flinches we'll cause irreparable damage."

"Y/n, Jojo." Avdol called.
"You must listen to me now. About four months ago in, Cairo. I too met Dio!"
If you weren't all ears before you were definitely now, even the cat on your shoulder looked up at him.
Avdol started. "I'm a fortune teller by trade and I had just returned to my shop in Khan Khalili when...under a full moon I saw him. Standing quietly atop the stairs to my shop's second floor, with eyes so cold it felt as if he was piercing my heart, his hair looked spun gold, his skin, alabaster. Almost transparent. Most of all he emanated a strange almost inhuman sensuality. I had heard about him from Mr.Joestar, so I knew at once. It was Dio, back from the depths of the Atlantic!"
"He then said to me, 'I've heard you have an ability, something ordinary humans do not. It would please me greatly if you could grant me a small demonstration.' That's when the terror sunk in. His words had managed to calm my soul. They were imbued with a dangerous sweetness. It was horrifying! I ran for my life. I didn't dare fight him. I was lucky, had Mr.Joestar not warned me, had I not been able to jump out of that window and fall into the maze of familiar streets escaping with my life...I would have ended up like this young man. A pawn of Dio dominated by another flesh bud."

"And like the boy, you'd have died in a few years. Your brain devoured." Joseph added.

You and Jotaro shared a look.
"Died? You're full of jokes sweater-man."

"Kakyoins... still alive!"  Jotaro summoned Star Platinum.
"I'll pull that thing out with my stand!" Jotaro put his hands on the side of Kakyoin's head while Star Platinum hovered his hand over the flesh bud.

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