scratch Hope Bar! I'm throwing you out

17 0 63

. Bl00d

Kaito was still talking to Nagito like Nagito was listening..

Time: 9:00 PM...

"Okay Mr Komaeda one more hour!"

No answer..


Kaito turned around
Nagito pass out.

"Damn not another one I thought he would survive."

"Side of the road here we go 🙄"

Kaito went to back of his van and picked up Nagito and opened the van door
And  threw Nagito on the side of the road and drove off.

Nagito was just laying there with his unless body he could hardly breathe.

Nagito face of on the concrete.
When Kaito threw Nagito on the concrete Nagito's front teeth hit the concrete there for making blood in his mouth.

Then Someone notice Nagito.

It was....

To be continued..

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