komahina+pop it ........

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Nagito sits his fat ass down on the couch Pop it told him to sit at.
"So what do you want to talk about Hun?"
"I want to talk about how cute your face is "
"Haha thanks but really what"
"N-No I'm not!"
"Uh huh sure stupid bitch"
"Just watch you dumb show!"
"Uh okay :("
Nagito was watching a cooking show called hellllllllllls kitchy on.
Pop it gets all in his recipes from that show.
"Hey Pop it!"
"umm can you get me a water bottle please"
"Get it yourself you  lying cheating bitch"
"oh okay"
Nagito gets up to the frigerator and opens it and bents down to get a water.
Pop it trys to push Nagito but it didn't work.
(At night)
Pop it had wine once again
Nagito had water.
Pop it was chuggin that wine. Nagito goes in his room to jack off ig.

Nagito locks the door just in case if Pop it comes in.
Nagito thinks about Hajime like he always does.
Nagito was moaning Hajime's name.
"Ah H-hajime~"
"F-Fuck m-me h-hajim-Hajime~"
Then cum all over his hands and some on his Sheetz.

To be continued

Nagito x Pop itWhere stories live. Discover now