Nagito is kidnap pt.5or something

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Kokichi was watching Boku no pico until Kokichi heard police sirens and a knock on his door.
"You've got to be Shitting me"
Kokichi got and walk to the door and opened it.
"Hello sir"
"Do you anyone Named Nagito Komaeda?"
"No I never knew anyone with a dumbass name like that."
The police officer heard the Boku no pico ending song.
"Do you watch Boku no pico?"
"No it's one of my stupid cousins again 🙄"
"Okay then .... Good night sir."
Kokichi closes the door and went to sit down.
"U know what Imma check on  Nagito"
Kokichi opens the door.
"Hey Nagito you up!!"
"but I'm watching the Kubz Scouts!"
"No Shut your lying ass up!"
Nagito then heard Jay's handsome voice
"You son of bitch I'm in! Now carry me!"
"Lol no!"

To be continued

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