komahina +Pop it pt. screw it I still don't know

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Hajime and Nagito where almost there at MacRonald's. "Nagito you sure you don't want anything?"
"YES I DON'T WANT ANYTHING YOU DUMB BITCH!" Nagito said yelling at Hajime. Nagito put his hands around his mouth because of what he said Hajime.
"Oh so I'm a dumb bitch now huh."
"No Hajime I didn't mean it in sorry!"
Hajime open the car door to get out then slamed it. Nagito didn't mean it he really didn't. He never said something like that to Hajime before. Nagito got out of the car and ran to Pop it's house.
(At Pop it's house)
Pop it was sleeping on the couch with wine in his hand half  full pop it doesn't really drink that much anyway. Nagito went to his room and shut the door quietly so pop it wouldn't know his there. Nagito was sitting on his bed thinking about what he said to Hajime.
Now Hajime is gonna probably worry. Nagito was crying then went to sleep.

To be continued 🥺😪😭😱😱😱

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