Special Chapter - Missing

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This chapter was written to celebrate the 1k (now 2k) of readings. Thanks a lot for reading my story!

I hope you guys enjoy it!


(Hunter pov)

As the night, darker than usual, falls upon the Isles, I finish my patrol. All additional guards are being more cautious lately, and that involves me, of course. Silently, I analyze everyone who appears on my path, trying to discover something unusual, and instruct the citizen to be careful. After all, a lot of things can occur in a night. Nothing seems to be out of place for now.

Subsequently guarding for nearly an entire day, I collapse on my bed. My face lies on my pillow, and I do nothing for a certain time. My traditional clothes are thrown aside, but not too far, as I may require them anytime. I estimate is about 3 am right now. I attempt to sleep numerous times, yet I didn't succeed. My eyes take turns between staying closed and facing the ceiling, waiting for these indescribable feelings to go away and leave me alone.

My whole body hurts. I'm so exhausted.

Bored, I try to read, but my headache increases with each move I make. I don't want to sleep. My dreams... they don't reassure me. On the contrary, they frighten me even further. I forget most of them, but I frequently wake up with a pain in my chest. Like something is wrong. Like I'm wrong.

As well, the worries that my uncle might call me anytime also alert me. He's very stressed lately and needs me to assure him any time. He needs me to be strong. So, I simply wait, breathing deeply, trying to calm down.

I'm going to be fine.

"The Titan has big plans for you."

This sentence keeps repeating in my mind constantly, like a mantra. And worst of all, I'm being unappreciative of it. I understand I should feel honored for being chosen by the Titan somehow. But all I can think is: what if the Titan is mistaken? What if I'm not who my uncle, or the Titan, demands? What if the chance provided to me was a misstep?

No. No, I refuse to assume that again. I'm not going back to the bottomless pit I was before. I've been given a chance, and I'll do what's necessary to be useful. I'm worth it. I can do remarkable things. I'll be a promising guard. I'll be a good nephew. I'll arrest all evildoers. I can do this.

Easing myself, I appreciate this moment of muteness. A delicate breeze blows in my face, making me smile. All I hear is the wind, and maybe some steps here and there, but nothing alarming. The comfortable mattress below me tempts me to arrive at the world of dreams. Perhaps I'll have nice dreams. My mind empties, and I ultimately stop thinking. I can rest now. I'll close my eyes, and at any time from now on, the sleep will come.

"Does that mean we're friends? Or at least, partners?"

Or at least, that's what I believed.

Their voice whisper in my ear, almost as if it was actually at my side. I open my eyes, annoyed, and roll to the opposite side. Why does my brain never let me sleep? Furthermore, why am I thinking about y/n?

Friend. I was called a friend. Recalling this makes me... glad, I guess? I don't remember the last time someone addressed me in a way that wasn't casual, let aside becoming close. Maybe I was never someone's friend previously. It's a warm feeling. Even if it is too sudden, I... want to spend more time with them. I don't like being alone.

Let's see. What do friends do? I'm still their superior, so should I change my treatment with them? No, that would be unprofessional. Maybe I could give a gift? Nah, seems too early. I hardly know them, anyway, so I wouldn't know what to give. Perhaps I should talk about y/n's interests since my topics are probably boring. But again, I don't know much about y/n. Does that mean we're pushing too far? Should we wait more before calling each other friends?

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