Chapter 9 - Trust

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(y/n pov)

It's midnight. The moon is at its highest. Everything is quiet. Barely anyone is awake by this time.

And here I am, getting ready to encounter Hunter.

I struggled to chill for the rest of the day, to be well rested at night. However, as expected, I thought about a lot of facts. Being friends with Eda, Luz, and Amity. The whole situation involving my persona. The letter I sent Katya and Tiny Nose to give Belos–I wonder if he read it. My father and the mystical woman. The Emperor in general.

But above it all, I honestly couldn't stop thinking about Hunter. The curiosity about the subject he wants to speak with me increases my anxiety. I'm still not sure if we're fine or not. He sounded less angry when we last spoke, but maybe he's the type who jokes in moments like these. Anyway, soon I'll find the truth. I hope.

After showering, I seek for a modest but comfortable clothing. Most of my clothes are hoodies and pants, but I choose my favorite ones for this occasion. It's a pink sweatshirt, with a plaid red jacket tied on my hip, a black hood covering up my ears, black pants, and blue shoes. I brush my hair, attempting to do something different with it. Am I being too exaggerated?

Well, I shouldn't be too worried. I'm great, and this is solely a confidential meeting to talk about because we're always too busy during the day. Yeah, that's it. He's doubtless going to use his uniform, anyway. Don't be nervous, y/n. It's nothing special. Since my head bruise is healed, I take off the bandages and throw them in the trash.

I lay down on my bed, impatient, until it's 12:30 am. Thereafter, I make a light glyph to accompany me and pick up Hunter's cloak. Then, I leave my house and walk to the forest in which we had our picnic. On the way, I recall like it was yesterday. It's genuinely scary to reflect that I took a step too far to call his attention, but I'm glad he understood my purposes. Besides, it was fun to spend some time alone with him. We got so comfortable with one another that night.

Soon, in a few minutes, I enter the woods. Guiding myself in there isn't that complicated. When I was younger, while my dad wasn't home, I enjoyed playing hide and seek without his permission. Of course, I avoided every person who tried to speak with me, since I wasn't allowed to go out without him.

Nevertheless, my hide and seek diverges from others: since I didn't have any friends, my plan was about supposing someone was following me. However, I ceased doing that when a guard approached me and asked where were my parents. In a panic, I kicked him in the knee and run. My dad got furious when I informed him.

Hunter is my first partner in hide and seek.

For Titan's sake, I'm sounding so cheesy.

I face up; the sky is all dark. The glyph is my sole source of light. I wonder how is the sky in the human world. I've heard it's full of stars constantly. And the food is exceptional. How is it going to be when I arrive there? At least, with Luz's help, I learn there's a way of coming back. If the key's in her possession, then it's not the one my dad instructed me about. At least, not for now. I'm convinced Belos doesn't retain a key at the time. I'm sure these types of keys are pretty rare, so-

"Boo!" A male voice approaches me out of the blue, startling me to death.

"AAAH!" In an instinct, I push the person and step away. However, when I inspect him...

"Is that your way to greet your boss and friend, y/n?"

It's Hunter, with an uncommon informal clothing. He's wearing a yellow shirt with the silhouette of a white bird on the chest, gray pants and black shoes. The staff is in his hand. On his back, I see a cyan backpack. Yet, despite the choice of clothes, his golden mask was still there. He barely loses his balance after being pushed, using the staff to remain standing.

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