Chapter 5 - Hunter

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 Hey, guys! I'm just here to thank you for the 1k of reading! Really, thanks a lot!  I'm very glad that you're enjoying my story.
 I'll make a special chapter to celebrate soon. Please wait for it!
 With that said, let's get started.


(y/n pov)

I hardly slept last night from enthusiasm. Every time I rolled on my bed, all I could think about was my promotion and my new tasks. I spent hours attempting to figure out what types of missions I'd be sent to, and consequently, how this would improve me as a witch.

Moreover, I speculated about what could be my next act as Red Star. Now that I'll have more access to the castle, more opportunities will appear. But of course, I must be cautious. People can't know yet. If someone from the castle discovers my identity, I'll be imprisoned. Probably petrified. And if this happens, I won't go to the human world. I won't find out what Belos did. I won't maintain the promise I made so many years ago.

Besides that, I kept asking myself about the Golden Guard. What's the deal with this guy? He's so hard to read. I feel kind of in debt to him, after everything he did for me. I'm very gratified and intend to compensate with hard work. However, a part of me is still ambiguous about his true intentions. Did he really only aim to help me? Or... Does he want to know something?

I continue to roll in my bed as these thoughts inundated my mind. Eventually, I fall asleep for like, 2 hours. I don't remember if I dreamed. It's been a long time since I woke up without having any dreams or nightmares.

When I open up my eyes, it's nearly dawn. I still felt tired, but I wouldn't be able to sleep again either. So, I use this time to organize my room. In the end, it was slightly better than before. When the time comes, I ate something, put on my coven's clothes, and walk to the Emperor's castle. Once more, I suspected someone was watching me from a distance.

As I enter the castle, my aim is clear: consult someone about how would my routine change from that moment on, and what should I do. In a short amount of time, I found Kikimora, holding an extensive list in one of her hands. Her expression was stressed, as always.

"Oh, so it's you who the brat spoke about. The fighter 34." She said, plainly disinterested. In her other hand, Kikimora held a package wrapped up like a gift. She handles it to me rapidly. "This is for you. It's your new uniform, so others can recognize you. Change it fast, we have a lot to do today. Go, go!"

With no time to filter the information tossed in my face, I fled to the bathroom and put on my new clothes. It was a more comfy clothing, a bit similar to the Golden Guard's: a white tunic with purple sleeves, violet leggings, black boots, a brooch with the Abomination coven's symbol, and a hood that covered up my ears, like an ordinary guard hood. Unfortunately, I didn't get a mask. Oh well, I take what I can have.

I peek at myself in the mirror, glimpsing the bags already forming under my eyes. I strived no one saw them. I wouldn't want to appear amateurish. Moreover, the outfit was incredibly stylish. It's very stunning, and I look good on it. Hopefully, no one will think it's weird.

I move out of the bathroom and move through the corridors, speculating where Kikimora is. For Titan's sake, my life became looking around for people all the time, didn't it? And I particularly don't think she'll be much happier to see me.

Then, I notice an individual at the end of one corridor: the Golden Guard, with the staff on his right hand, and his traditional mystifying personality. I think it's the first time I see him before he catches sight of me, so I decide to surprise him. Still being serious, of course. He explained himself: this is not a playground. And I do not plan to make it into one.

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