Chapter 16

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hey guys, I have had the WORST headache for like 2 days now so I'm really sorry if the chapter sucks, the next chapter will have a lot more action this is more of a filler in a way I guess. Enjoy :)

I woke up still on the side of the road although a blanket was placed over me. I had very little to no hope that Mikey had done this. I pull out my phone as the time reads 3:49 am, fuck. I get up and finally make myself go home. Opening the door as my body aches going to the bathroom to clean up. There was dried blood running down my nose down to my neck and swelling on my cheek. Getting some rubbing alcohol to disinfect the wound and wrapping it up. The bruise on my cheek was not covered, only my nose was bandaged up. Knowing I would need rest to actually fix this mess I trod over to my bed knocking myself out.

Mikey pov

I wasn't doing much until my phone started ringing,

"hello?"I answer

"Hello, is this Sano Manjiro?"

"Yeah? Can I ask why?"

"Well currently your sister, Emma has been admitted into our hospital and we need some of her family to fill out the papers and only your number is known. It would be greatly appreciated if you could come down to XXX hospital"

My face twists in confusion. What does she mean by Emma and hospital? Why and how would she even get admitted.

"Um, yeah, yeah sure i-i'll get there" I reply which ends our short conversation. I could feel myself hyperventilating as I clicked random buttons to call Draken. I explained the situation to him and he said he would meet me there. I also called Y/n but she didn't pick up. It's fine I'll tell her later

I jump onto my bike not giving a flying fuck of the speed limits all I know was I had to see Emma. I got to the front desk as they made me fill out the paperwork before I was allowed to see her. I saw some guys with Tomans uniforms walking towards them as they look congested.

"What happened" Even though it was meant to be a question it came out as more of a statement.

"She was ambushed by y/n..." They stutter out.

"Bullshit! I want the truth!" I grab the guy's collar pulling him closer.

"W-we're not lying" he raises his hands in defense.

"You expect me to believe that?! How stupid do you think I am!?" I swear I was this close away from punching him.

"No seriously look," His buddy says as he pulls out his phone showing me a video of y/n leading Emma to an ambush. What? The video continues as Y/n is standing with two guys next to her grabbing her arms looking down on Emma's unconscious body. You couldn't see y/n's face clearly but in this state, I couldn't help but believe it. Kisaki had a conversation with me ages before, he said she would betray me but I ended up punching him on sight that day. We never brang it up again.

I can't believe Kisaki was right.

I dismiss the two Toman members as they walk off while I stare through the glass looking at my dear sister. Draken ended up coming too. We both stared at the glass in silence before I decided to break it.
"Y/n did it." I say venting out.

"Did what?" Draken says not getting the memo

"This. Emma." I reply as he snaps his head looking at me. I turn my head looking at the floor.

"No she didn't. There's no way. She wouldn't do that"

"I can't believe I let emma hang out with her"

"Mikey there's no way she did that!"


"Show me. Show me that she did it" His voice getting lower towards the end. I throw him the phone as he stares at the video.

{Save me... please} - Mikey x Y/N discontinued Where stories live. Discover now